Hello Ralph Walton, Thanks for that tip on summer pruning ,or I guess leaf plucking would be a better term.Could you say a...
Hello Ziggy, I have old Niagara vines on my propery that were here when I bought the place and they too were a mess.Your vines are...
Hello Millet, Don't have a backhoe only a shovel and strong back.I assume from the fact that you put the same earth back in the hole...
Hello, I have been add ing more grape vines on my property and was wondering if my approach to site prep.is OK. The vines that I'm...
hello Ralph, Thankyou for the advice,I will follow it carefully.Picked up several more two year old pots a Gerwertztraminer and an...
Hello Just purchased a Pinot Noir vine from a nursery the vine I believe was held over from last summers stock.It appears healthy and has a...
hello, Thanks for the suggestions,I was curious as to the suitability of the offerings from Voloacanusery also .I did like the St.Croix they...
Hello Charistides, Wished my grape vines were as old as yours.You don't mention the variety of grapes that you have,but a vine of that...
Hello, Could anyone out there point me in the direction of a good Canadian supplier of grape vine cuttings or grafted and potted plants.I...