Shirofugen - Dunbar, W 24th and Highbury West 24th between Highbury & Wallace
Here's the future. A newly planted prunus cerisifera nigra in the 3700 block of West 24th - a street otherwise filled with late double cherries,...
I know there are lots of Point Grey pictures in the cultivar threads, but here's a start with Quesnel Street north of King Edward, taken on April...
5th Ave between Blance & Tolmie, around the corner from:
Re: * POSTED - Tai Haku - West Point Grey, 16th Ave Dunbar to Crown Here are a couple of closeups, April 19th, 2008
Re: Akebonos - West Point Grey, Tolmie from 4th to 5th April 19, 2008 [edited by wcutler: I asked Ric to get photos of the supposed Takasagos at...