My Madagascar Palm is getting to be about 5' tall plus the pot, so the top of it is getting spindly. Does anyone know what would happen if I cut...
I think your gloxinia has crown rot. it is from improper watering don't let the plant itself get wet, just the soil and don't let it stand in...
My book on angelwing begonia " B. 'Corallina de Lucerna' " is a fibrous-rooted begonia. Proper Care: grown primarily for their foliage need bright...
the Madagascar palm I am refering to is a "Pachypodium lamieri". It's a succulent, unbranched, spiny, topped with a circle of strap-shaped leaves...
Does anyone know what would happen if I cut the top off the Madagascar Palm and stuck it in the soil? I'm asking because it's over 5' tall, plus...