I've been reading many "how to" articles online about dry stone wall construction and I'd like to give it a go! I'm constructing a new raised bed...
A good excuse to buy another cherry tree to use as a pollinator haha.
I decided to pull the wood and I'm going to use it to plant flowers or something like that instead. Thanks for the help guys.
I coated a boarder for a raised bed that I had recently built in a kind of chemical preservative simply called "green". It's a lot like...
Hi Durgan, I planted a bed of garlic last year which I believed had died before producing bulbs. Looking out across my garden I can see the...
I still have all of mine in front of a window on the south face of my house and they're doing well. Although they seem to be growing very...
I'm planning on raising my patch 8" up from the ground using 2x8's turned on their sides. But my grandfather used to have a garden that he used to...
I started my first in-ground garden this year and after half the summer I've realized that having a raised bed would have been fairly beneficial...
I wish I had planted a crop of potatoes this year because I definately eat them mashed atleast once a week haha. I'm creating and addtional bed...
Today we had a fairly overcast and cool day, so I thought it would be the best time for the foliar application of the Mg solution. I didn't want...
Really? Well it does make sense, looking at pictures of it on the net makes the similarities obvious. I'm sure that the trace mineral fertilizer...
Of course, it only mankes sense. But I don't have access to a car so when I go out into town I have to take the dreaded metro transit system haha....
I'll call around for that fertilizer, might take some doing though haha. I'm not too sure how to adjust the pH, I believe that most of the bottled...