Hi frog, Thank you for your links. I will certainly let you know the identification if it will be done. I plan to submit the specimen to the...
I believe I have found Calocybe gambosa. According to the field guides it is a European species and it fruits in spring. I have found it on Oct...
I am not sure if I collected the base as well. Now I will know that it is important.
Hi Frog, I compared Clavulina rugosa pictures with my pictures and it looks like that Tremella reticulate is still a better fit. I attach another...
Thank you! It was quite comon on the site. I collected some and will pass it to a museum collection.
Thank you!
Grows on peaty thin soil on tundra together with Salix arctica, Cerastium arctica, Carex fuliginosa subsp. misandra and Bistorta vivipara.
This looks like Tremella reticulata
It was growing in rich Sugar Maple mesic forest on undisturbed leaf litter of last year. Can it be Hygrocybe punicea? (Red, with red to yellow stipe)
Can it be Hygrocybe punicea? (Red, with yellow stipe)
Found in rich wet old growth forest on humic soil. Trees - Sugar Maple and Yellow Birch. It grows in a group of about 10 individual clumps. It is...