Very helpful -- wonderful information, thank you!
I live in upstate NY, a 5b zone, and plan to plant some grapes this year. They will be trained on a chain-link fence and will get full sun. This...
Hmmmm.... the herbicide isn't likely, though I suppose it's possible something blew over or ran off from the neighbors' yard. We do have moles,...
My 2-year-old lilac has been displaying stem and leaf curling (please see pics) and its growth seems to be stunted. I have never seen a plant do...
Hi all, I have a baby rose that I started from a cutting last year and it seems to be doing pretty well. I have reason to believe it is Rosa...
I agree that the leaves do look a lot like some hibiscus leaves, but I just can't get any farther with it. I've never grown a hibiscus, though I...
OK, I mentioned it to my mom today, and it turns out I misunderstood her. She did not say it was a ficus. She says it is something called a Love...
Hmm. Does look similar, but I don't think that's it. ROS usually grows like a weed around here, and this thing just doesn't do anything.
Hi all, I have this little tree seedling that my mother gave me last year. She says it is a ficus of some sort, but it doesn't look like the...
That sounds like a good idea, I'll try it -- thanks!
@RaeFae, I love birds, but in this case I wouldn't mind the cat chasing the birds away too, because the birds eat our cherries and pears!! ha ha