This plant is bugging me. It looks a little like Calocephalus brownii (but isn't). Anyone know? Thanks.
I agree with deciduous Azalea (Now in the genus Rhododendron).
I agree with Coprosma. Though not that hardy here, our nursery does a few named selections.
Thanks Tom. I love these old prints.
I agree, it looks very like a Euonymus and you are correct of course about the pinkish tinge they develop in colder months.
I have this but missed the post....:-)
Could be a species of slime mould in it's "fruiting phase"?
I've just bought some H. kerrii pre-rooted leaves and I am hoping that they have a stem at the base (under the soil) or I will be most...
Yes, I have recently rooted H. carnosa cuttings in water. I potted them up the split second the first roots began to emerge in case they suddenly...
Another point, when the flowers finish, don't cut off the peduncle (the stalk the flowers were attached too) as this will flower again, indeed,...
A good dark pink form of Hoya carnosa too.