I'm asking people out there with experience growing this plant for some pointers on how to successfully cultivate it. In particular, can someone...
Do a google image search on Ranunculus cooleyae and see what you think. Also you might want to check out the e-flora page for this species:...
Hello I was in the shop in the garden today and noticed they had E. gigantea seeds on the seedrack with sowing instructions. I was surprised to...
What kind of soil is suitable for this plant? Does it prefer a lean or heavy soil, dry or moist? Any cultivation recommendations would be helpful....
I purchased some young plants this spring and all of them are either miserable or dying. I have planted them in a partially sunny location in a...
I just opened a bag of potting soil I had left over from last summer and it had a strong sulfury smell (hydrogen sulfide?) due to the fact that...
Does the UBC garden have any Cyrpripediums in it? What kind of cultivation advice (soil/exposure/watering etc.) can anyone offer for C. calceolus...