Just noticed my fig tree got damaged by animals or insects. Anyone knows what happened, and how to fix it? Thanks
I need to use fig leaves for a recipe, but the fig tree is intertwined with a cherry laurel tree. Is it safe to consume the fig leaves? Is it...
We have a 10 year old brown turkey tree in a south facing front yard. It hasn't been very prolific or growing tall at all. The first crop is not...
Hello everyone! I garden with my grandma and in our backyard we have a pretty old fig tree. Its unfortunately been attacked by pests and we are...
It is the first week of July, in what has been a cool year. The ~6 year old fig tree, varietal uncertain; green skin, coloured interior, was grown...
Hi, I planted a fig tree last year. According to some sources, I probably should have cut it down to about 6" right away to encourage it to...
We just bought a house and have a few of these shrubs growing on the side of the house (the house faces south). I thought the leaves look like fig...
Hi, I have a Peter’s Honey fig tree approx 8 years old, bought from the City of Vancouver. It is planted just in back of my house, facing south...
New version of fig database has been launched: The world's first, largest, fig variety structured database for user friendly Fig Research