Good day! I am very curious about why there are some trees around UBC that have metal tags with numbers on them. I am guessing it is a way of...
I just pulled this bulb from the garden in Vancouver, BC and am hoping to find out what it is. From what I have seen online I am wondering if it a...
Need help identifying these 3 plants. All were bought in Austin, TX on Jan. 20th. They were all located indoors in a green room. The first two are...
This tree was spotted in Haiti and disperses seeds autochorously. Can anyone help ID it?
Help me please to identify this plant. It grows in the western part of the arabian peninsula in mountain regions. It is known to be a honey plant....
Hello, this is my first post here. My neighbors have some trees in their yard which are oak trees, but when I tried to match the leaves on the...
Hello, I'm taking a field botany class and the project due is to collect and identify 50 plants from 30 different families. Im in need of major...
I took this photo today, of a plant that was given to us last fall. It has grown quite vigorously and has started flowering. It looks nice but...
growing on tree fern in Atlanta Botanical Garden conservatory.
Hello, Just wanted to let you know about Plantola, a "Made-in-Canada" photo sharing app created just for gardeners. Our goals are to make plants...
When you want a plant identification, you can increase your chances of getting a reply by doing the following: Attach photos Upload photos, as...