hello! hope all is well. anyways, to whoever sees this, im very worried for my cayenne chili! i brought it in for the winter as it cant stay cold....
I understand I am a bit out of my depth here, but I am looking for any advice or information anyone can give! In June I was given a Monkey Puzzle...
Hi, I'm having this issue in my indoor Jasmin Sambac and some other tropical plants (photo attached). Instead of one branch, the axillary buds...
Hello, I have a site with 3 large Ficus maclellandii 'Amstel King'. They're currently dropping a decent amount of green, yellow, and brown...
This is my 2 year old jade plant. Unfortunately, I have no idea what this brown scale-like infection is... I'm thinking fungal especially with the...
Hello! Can someone please help me. I had this lemon tree that is being kept indoor. I heard two reasons for yellowing leaves can be over...
Hi all, Back in February I bought 2 lemon trees and 2 orange trees, to live in my sunny conservatory (South Wales, UK). I repotted them using...
This is my cactus. It's a year old and recently has started getting white spots all over it?? It's getting fertilizer (not sure if it's cactus...
Hello all! I’m interested in growing certain outdoor flowers indoors; Black Scabiosa & Corn flowers. Is this possible? Are there any tips? Thanks...
Hi everyone! I’m new to the forum and relatively new to plants. I recently bought a pachira aquatica plant, which I absolutely love! On...
My small relatively new indoor plant (I think it might be a bamboo palm?) has started going completely dry. It's been placed in the shade of a...
It's doing a nice job of growing the vines and flowering and then I hand pollinate the flowers. The melons don't seem to be growing though? One...
Hi all, I'm from the UK and have recently purchased a Japanese Maple bonsai tree that I am very keen to be able to keep indoors as long as...
This plant has growing like crazy, since I got it. I think 3 fully grown new leaves in the time I've had it. There's even a tiny little baby...
Hi everyone, I'd really like to grow big to massive pothos leaves indoors in a typical household environment. Is this possible? 20 degrees...
Hey folks, I've had my stephantotis for around 2 years, originally bought reduced from a supermarket. (I'm a sucker for reviving reduced plants...
this is my avocado tree started from a seed.
I was recently reading about the chemical resiniferatoxin found in Euphorbia resinifera. Apparently resiniferatoxin is classified on the Scoville...
re: Questions about a mold or mushroom growing on wall or floor or other area inside your house or apartment Disclaimer: I am not a...