Maynely Mushrooms All Day Celebration November 2, 2024 Walks, talks, identifications Special Guest: Paul Kroeger...
Mayne Island Conservancy presents: November 5, 2023 "Maynely Mushrooms" Mushroom Display 1-4
October 27, 2022 Mayne Island Mushroom Walk Andy MacKinnon and Kem Luther Mushrooms of Mayne Island: A Guided Walk with Kem Luther and Andy...
Maynely Mushroom Extravaganza Mayne Island Conservancy Talks, walks, tasting, identification November 15-16, 2019 Mayne Island BC with Paul...
Another mushroom from Mayne Island. A patch with many mushrooms of the same species at various stages of development. A young one with roundish...
Taken on Mayne Island Over 50 of these mushrooms covered an area of 5x8 ft. Flat on the ground.
Purple, cap about 3/4 inch diameter Seen on October 18, 2018 on Mayne Island
Yellow, cap about 3 inches in diameter, thin stalk Three on one tree trunk, and five on another tree trunk Seen on October 18, 2018 on Mayne Island
About 2 inches tall, and 1 inch in diameter. Photographed on Oct 29, 2018 On side of a trail on Mayne Island, BC
Mayne Island Mushroom event November 18, 2017 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm "afternoon at the Ag Hall" with Mike Nadeau and Michael Dunn Mayne Island...