We have a 10 year old brown turkey tree in a south facing front yard. It hasn't been very prolific or growing tall at all. The first crop is not...
I took this pic in Durban, South Africa. The fungus is approximately 30cm across.
hello! hope all is well. anyways, to whoever sees this, im very worried for my cayenne chili! i brought it in for the winter as it cant stay cold....
hello, i hope whoever is reading this is having a good day. anyways, i was using egg cartons for seed starting, and i left it outside for a while....
Hi, I am currently moving out of our house and found a host of different types of mould under my daughter's toy kitchen. I've thrown the kitchen...
I found this possible mold or fungi on my archery target, it’s been outside under our open deck, it appears to be growing from the inside out…...
By Dasha Plesen DashaPlesen.com
[ATTACH] I found this mostly buried in leaves on the ground. Initially though it was a chunk of rotting moose fur/skin until we picked it up and...
Hi My cabbage has these spots/ bumps on the outer leaves. They were a gift and I don't know where/ how they were grown. What are they from? Can I...
Hi there, I have a Pachira Aquatica for about 1 year, and for the last two months I left the city and told my colleague to water it. The problem...
Hello! Newbie here (forum and having houseplants). I’ve been growing my Monstera plant for a good 6 months now and it seems to be going well. Up...
re: Questions about a mold or mushroom growing on wall or floor or other area inside your house or apartment Disclaimer: I am not a...