I have let my lawn turn to moss over many years and it has been a lovely, low-maintenance, environmentally friendly alternative. Unfortunately, I...
Guided walk and presentation with guest naturalist and author Kem Luther Francis King Regional Park, Saanich CRD Regional Parks Sunday January 21,...
Millstream Creek Bioblitz May 28, 2023 TLC - The Land Conservancy With Kem Luther, Juliet Pendray and Andy MacKinnon Details:...
[IMG] During a recent visit to a site in the northern part of Israel (Upper Galilee, with a relatively humid and "european climate") I found what...
Nature Club | Beaty Biodiversity Museum British Columbia: - 20220108 - Vancouver (ONLINE) - Bryophytes talk - Jan 8 2022
(OK this is not about fungi, but I bet you are curious about our fungi-adjacent bryos...) Bryophytes with Karen Golinski UBC Beaty Biodiversity...
The Land Conservancy's Annual Passport to Nature Program has gone virtual! Events from April to November 2021 Topics include plants, fungi,...
I am seeking an advice on planting moss into the container (It will be outside, some of it on full sun, some of it in partial shade). I know about...
Moss Walk December 7, 2019 from 10-12 Passport to Nature walk series with Kem Luther Hosted by The Land Conservancy Registration and Details: Show...
Hi all, The moss I see in the city on north-facing roads and walls is darker than the lighter green moss you would see in the forest. Is this...
Bryology Workshop Bryology Workshop | Strathcona Wilderness Institute is hosting a one-day bryology workshop on Saturday September 28 at the...
Passport to Nature - 2019 Nature Events TLC - The Land Conservancy Events in Sooke, Nanaimo, Victoria, Saanich and Clearwater (east of Kamloops)...
Hi. We have two silver pines in pots standing and growing well in front of our home full south on a hill for over ten years. This of summer as I...
Hi- I have few questions/concerns regarding my garden, and hoping to get some expert opinions! The first is in regards to black mondo grass. My...
I have this beautiful moss (and lichen, too) growing on the trunk of my Black Locust. Anybody can tell me what kind of moss is it and why it is...