1st (2 pics) is growing from my Acer Palmatum Garnet. 2nd (3 pics) is a new purchase but had no name on the label. Thanks!
Hi Mani, the first is the rootstock and should be removed as soon as possible, it is what Garnet was grafted to, The second looks very much like Ukigumo. D
Agreed, very much like Ukigumo...plenty of shade for this one..you will be very pleased how this grows out
Thanks all! My first thought was Ukigumo but then I thought Radiant because of the pink on the trunk and the speckling on the leaves. But i'll bow to all of your expertise!
Ahh thanks! I can definitely see the similarity now! Are these quite hardy? I have seen a 12 year old specimen on youtube which was stunning but I can't find much info on them on the net, surprsing given how stunning they are! Hope I can keep mine for that long!
Those leaves look so healthy! Do you have any pointers? Including the type of soil you have yours in?
@Mani plenty of shade is very good for this one like @dicky5ash advised. I'm experimenting with this one. I'm planning on growing it as a bonsai and it's growing in my bonsai soil mix.
@Mani , I also see bark chips all the way up to the graft union. You can remove some most of that if you haven't already.
Basically, rootstock is what most cultivars are grafted on to. The part of the Ukigumo that I was subjecting you uncover is the rootstock.
Thanks. It looks like it would grow into a very nice acer - it must have a classification other than rootstock? Why is rootstock even used rather than growing a tree from seed?
@Mani, Hi Mani, re your last question about rootstock. A lot of maples do not produce seed, so the only way to reproduce is by grafting or air layering. Secondly the vast majority of Japanese maples do not do well on their own roots so need a strong cultivar rootstock to support them. I must add that a person on this forum is successful with Hydroponics. This is growing from cuttings and if you are interested in this there is a thread created by zfritz on this topic. Hope that's of help to your question D
Thanks dicky5ash. Can I just clarify, when you say plenty of shade is full shade ok? I had it in half shade before and a few of the whiter leaves have turned brown so I am thinking full shade will avoid this?
The brown leaves could be either too much sun, over doing it watering or a culmination of both..also the more sun the more mine greens out..this is mine in the background.
Thanks for the info @LoverOfMaples I think it will be too much sun as I have yet to water it.......I'll bear that in mind regarding the colour change! Yours looks fabulous @dicky5ash !!!!