I plan on potting up most all my seedlings tomorrow. I have a fair amount of pine fines left, but in case I run out, I was able to grab some pine bark mini nuggets this evening. There’s no pine fines sold locally. Will the larger size of the mini nuggets be okay?
Interesting, possibly just morphological distortion of youth. Will be intersting to see them moving on..
They're pretty D, lucky I'm not living near you, otherwise I might have been knocking on your door, lol.
Those are incredible! Something about leaves like that just do it for me. Reminds me of my fascination with Acer saccharum ’Sweet Shadow’. id love to find a rubrum seedling with that leaf shape. Very nice, D!
thanks. im excited to see what they grow into. That 'Sweet Shadow' is sweet. its now on my list, lol.
Not 2019, but 2020. They are all from the same 'Atropurpureum dissecum' but rather different. I kept them under bigger trees, in full shade, I think they would be more red if put in full sun : The "mother-tree" :
Not really the true colours, the reds are more red. A couple are almost not laciniated, but if the one on the left (in the second photo) can keep the same colours when it matures, that's OK with me : The one from the MS seed exchange 2019 :
A 2019 seedling with small leaves with a red margin. In the background, 2020 'Sango kaku' : Among the 'S k', one with a variegated leaf, but I don't think it will hold the variegation :
Just for a laugh. Amazing how they can persist in unlikely locations. These two are worth digging up and potting, will have to get to it soon. I think the dissectum sprouted in 2020 and the other in 2019.
How true. Are the iron feet we can see the base of a Singer sewing-machine transformed into a garden side-table ?...
This is one I dug up from the same area a few years back. At the time there was a potted Trompenburg there, don't know if that was the mum or the dad or both, but for sure it was in the mix. Much darker leaf than T and different coloured petioles and twigs.
No, I don't know what their proper name is but I use them as baby maple protectors. They have spikes for feet.
"L'ennui nait de l'uniformité"(1), and for plants like for people, the more genetic crossings, the better future... ;°) (1) Boredom is born out of uniformity, or something like that
Here are some snaps of 2019 seedlings..the red one was deep purple/red in the spring 2021 as you can see in the first photo, the penultimate photo shows it today, it now has an interesting green/red colour mix. The other seedling emerged in spring 2021 green and has now developed an orange/red tinge..last photo..both seedlings have bright pink/ red petioles
Here is a seedling that I had completely forgotten about because it is in a weird spot in the yard. I was very surprised to see this pattern on the leaves. I remember it as a rather ordinary looking red-leaf first year seedling. Still very small in its third year.