20200922 - Alberta(online) - Fungal Talk - Sept 22 2020

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Frog, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Fungal Conservation in Alberta
    Alberta Mycological Society
    September 22, 2020
    Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
    Fungi are vital components of all ecosystems on earth, performing important functions in nutrient cycling, assisting plant growth, and even plant communication. But what is being done to ensure that fungus species don't become extinct? This webinar will discuss the status of the conservation of fungi in Alberta and beyond, and will address challenges and suggestions for a way forward. This is a free webinar, open to all who are interested, hosted by the Alberta Mycological Society and provided by Michael J. Schulz. Michael has an extensive background in mycology, botany, and ecology, and performed the assessment of macrofungi for the prairie provinces for Environment and Climate Change Canada's Wild Species 2020 project.

    Please copy and paste the link below into your browser and enter the passcode provided to enter, or visit https://zoom.us/ and enter the meeting ID. Alternatively, join by telephone using the "join by local number" link, or with Skype for Business with the other link below.

    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 897 6001 7537
    Passcode: by9LCS
    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdYAtUs1do

    Join by Skype for Business

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