2nd Annual Cumberland Fungus Festival September 30 - October 3, 2021 Cumberland, Vancouver Island, BC Events - Cumberland Community Forest Society Fungus Fest & Fall Fair 2021 - Cumberland Community Forest Society
Some updated info: The 2nd Annual Cumberland Fungus Festival is an "interdisciplinary celebration of all things 'shrooms" and includes forest and fungus ecology, cultivation and edibles, art, medicines, ethnobotany, performance and more," hosted by the Cumberland Community Forest Society (CCFS). Most events (walks, talks, workshops, panels & other fun) in this Festival will be in person, and there will be at least one virtual event. Tickets go on sale August 15th - 2nd Annual Cumberland Fungus Fest Cumberland's Fungus Fest raises funds for the CCFS and supports our land protection and stewardship work throughout the year. The CCFS is a charitable non profit based in the Village of Cumberland that has been purchasing and protecting privately owned forest forest lands scheduled for logging for the past 20 years. We're also very engaged in local watersheds protection initiatives and facilitate stewardship initiatives including the Western Toad Program, Invasives Removal, Perseverance Streamkeepers, Cumberland Bat Project, Climate Action Theatre and citizen science projects throughout the year.
... Also in case anyone has been wondering, the Annual Mid-Island Fungus Festival (Comox/Coombs) will not be happening in 2021, but it will return in 2022.
Oh, dang! I was just about to ask and am sorry I missed this update. Please let me know if you would like help coordinating this. I would love to assist in any way that I can!
Hi @Heather Soo - Thank you for offering them your help! You can reach the Mid-Island Fungus Festival (Comox/Coombs) organizers at arrowsmithnaturalists@gmail.com