This forum seems to be asleep. Time for a wake-up call! Anyway, it's my weekend off (and, no, Weekend Gardener doesn't just do gardening at the weekends!). I am thinking ahead and planning some activities to fill in my time. So, there is nothing better than to stir up the stumper pot a little bit. Here is a colourful one. I't easy if you have seen it before. It may be impossible if you haven't! But after we are done with this stumper, make sure you get one next spring!
I'll start the ball rolling with a Solenostemon scutellarioides (a.k.a. "coleus") leaf. Pretty certain it isn't a Chamaeleon - I can't see this zapping a fly with an extensible tongue
Like coleus, it's grown as an annual in temperate gardens, and it's leaves are it's assets. But that's as far as the resemblance goes.
I think it probably is the Amaranthus but I also thought of Perilla. I'm always impressed by your pictures, keep them coming!
I'd rather see complete pictures of plants that were a challange to name because they were rare, rather than pictures that were hard to figure out because they show a small portion of the plant.
I didn't think it was all that rare. Just new. I have seen it around in container plantings in Vancouver. I am sure I will see more of it around. It's hard to beat - vigorous grower, showy, takes full sun.
Another good Stumper WG, Ron we never set up any strict rules for the Stumpers. If they were all rare, hard to identify plants, you would probably get all of them! That type of stumper appears here and in the regular ID forums, from time to time. I like WG's riddle stumpers, because I like the word play as well. I think there is potential to learn by getting to know common plants better. Stumpers can point out distinctive details about them. Some of the more difficult Stumpers have been common plants. There are a lot of options for puzzles here. I think all the Stumpers have been good so far.
This forum's meant to be fun and light-hearted, i.e., it's pretty much a game. That's the expectation. Even if I don't have any idea what the plant is, I get enjoyment out of seeing things in a new perspective, however obscure or difficult it might be. I also find that I wish I could be as good as setting up the game as some people are on this forum.
I too like the way it can make you look at the plant with a new perspective. One of the hardest ones I figured out once was a close up of an Escallonia rubra flower, I don't know have such a common flower could look so different in a close up. The only problem with Perilla is that it doesn't like cool temperatures so don't try and plant it too early in the season or it will sulk [or die].
That would be the point, Ron. I wouldn't post stumpers that will be identified at the first go - there just isn't much intrique and fun in that.
I, also like Weekend Gardeners photographic perspectives, on this issue. Great fun. It would even be nice to see pictures of plant cells, roots, emerging plants, seeds, Bryophytes, spores, etc.; just to make US all look,and think; I have seen that somewhere before! Sign me off as: Usually STUMPED in the STUMPERS forum.