10th September 2020 and my maples are now racing into Autumnal colours. So warm and sunny at the moment, it does seem a bit strange though. The signs are there that I may get an Autumn show, but as this was badly damaged last year it might not be very much.
30th September 2020 and the sun and a sprinkle of rain made a close up of my Osakasuki leaf a must IMO.
2nd October 2020 and one side of my Osakasuki that was not damaged last Autumn, is turning rather nicely now.
What happened last year that damaged your Osakazuki? I really like this cultivar and I’m hoping it is hardy enough to take a few months of 10+ hour days of hot Oregon sun.
@Connor Sullivan, nothing for you to worry about Connor, unless my neighbours tree falls a very long way, Lol. As R @dicky5ash says, nuclear fushion phase, lol. This means that it really does glow. It is the most intense of reds you will see in the Autumn on a maple IMO. Regarding 10hrs of hot Oregon sun, this might cause it a few problems, if not properly watered. Mine gets around 8hrs in the Summer months in zone 8b. If it's intense heat as we had this year, I mist my maples with rain water after the sun has gone down. This has always helped my trees. But sometimes the roots cannot pump enough moisture if the heat is above 30°C for several days and inevitably you will get some leaf scorch. So any shade you can give buy a companion tree etc etc, the better it will be.
Awesome thank you again! I’m always second guessing my choices and planting techniques, Japanese maples are a long term thing so I really want to get it right and not have a mistake set me back years... Are you familiar with Okagami (Okigami?) @Acerholic
@Connor Sullivan, good morning Connor, yes I am, it is a beautiful bright pinkish red in Spring and deep red in the Summer months and bright scarlet in the Autumn. If you are comparing it to Osakasuki then that cultivar turns green all Summer whereby Okagami does not.
I thought I would add this as its is a seedling from Osakasuki, it is 3 years old so will do absolutely fine now. The reason for showing it is because this colouring is typical of this cultivar at this time of the year. It turned 4 weeks ago, so way ahead of my 30 year old parent tree.
@Margot, this is where it belongs Margot. What a lovely Osakasuki you have there. Hope it holds on a lot longer for you.
I recently received a 5# Osakazuki in the mail for WilsonBro nursery. It arrived with a lot of missing leaves and wasn’t the prettiest specimen, some deadheading too. No it looks like some the other branch tips are shriveling and maybe will deadhead too? Not thrilled with the tree I received, really hoping it will leaf out in spring and have a strong growing year.
Hi, @Connor Sullivan - I think it is too early to worry too much about your new Osakazuki. At this time of year, it is normal for these trees to lose their leaves. The die-back you see at the tips of some branches should be cut back an inch or two below the dead part (slightly above healthy-looking buds) with clean, sharp pruners. I would more likely assume it was caused by a physical problem than disease. The term 'deadheading' is used to describe the practice of cutting back dead flower blossoms to improve a plant's appearance before they go to seed. As insurance, I'd contact WilsonBro nursery with a copy of your invoice, some photos and a description of your concerns. Unless you want to return your tree now however, I think you may very well find it looking much better in the spring when new leaves will grow. To my eye, the tree is nicely shaped overall though you may want to do a bit of further pinching and shaping as it grows.
Thank you for the quick and thoughtful response! You are making me feel much better about the tree. I can be a hypochondriac in regards to all my maples health, I just want everything to be perfect for them. Haha. I feel better and I’m excited to see it leaf out in spring! I can imagine a trip from Georgia to Oregon in a cardboard box being a little shocking to any tree! Ha.
@Connor Sullivan good morning Connor, I agree with Margot not too much to worry about at tgis time of the year and especially as it was in a box for a while. Cutting out the dead diseased or dying wood is always the rule of thumb for any tree and especially maples. Can you see new buds forming for next season? That will tell you that everything should be fine next Spring. Whenever I buy a new maple I look to the following year and not the year it was purchased for a good display and often it is two years before I am happy with it. Your new Osakasuki has a good shape to it, so don't get too trigger happy with the secateurs. I do all my pruning in February/March btw. Look forward to seeing your tree in the Spring on the forum and I'm sure it will be looking great.
Thanks @Acerholic ! Yes it is loaded up with bud sites already, I definitely noticed a lot of them. I’m feeling much better and happy it doesn’t look like anything to be worried about. I will share some photos in this thread come Spring! I can’t wait and it’s only November.... Hahaha. Japanese Maples have become an addiction!
I think that is excellent advice. I'm going to pass it on to my daughter who I was telling you I helped buy 6 Japanese maples earlier this year. She has been fretting about them ever since and I've been trying to to tell her that they need some time to settle in. A bit vague. I'm going to send her your quote @Acerholic so she knows real experts give similar reassurances. :-)
@Connor Sullivan that's good to hear Connor and yes the addiction can never be cured Lol, Tbh why would we want it cured !!. I'm the same when all the leaves have dropped I'm counting the days down to Spring.
3rd April 2021 and I'm so pleased that my Osakasuki is covered in good swelling buds in the place where it was damaged by a neighbours fallen tree in 2019. Lots of training to get it back to what I would want though.
I’m dissatisfied with my Osakazuki I purchased from Wilson Brothers Most of the branches have died back at least 8-10”. It’s just now starting to bud very low on each branch, not sure what happened to it but it arrived in a way I wasn’t impressed with. my guess is it wasn’t watered enough at nursery?
Good morning Connor, yes it is looking rather sorry for itself, but I think you are right about the watering. But don't despair, I would take off the dead wood and any branches that look diseased and give it the nurturing that only an individual person will give it, ie not a nursery or garden centre. But before that, if you are very unhappy with it's condition I would contact Wilson Brothers and consider asking for a healthy replacement. Do take photos of your Osakasuki so that you have evidence to put to them. Good luck
17th April 2021 and I will keep the updates going on my Osakasuki a little more regularly, as per requests on PM's. It's taken 3 years of worry over this tree due to the unfortunate damage in 2019, but my fingers are crossed I can get it back to something like normal this year. So here it is now starting to leaf out. I promise to show the whole tree in a few months time, but not yet as I'm still too embarrassed to do so, as it needs more time to look better.