hi i vinc french I have a lot of poorly with my English and me in excuse sleeps and déja, I know not too or post my link thank you for the redirigé if necessary i have a small collection acer palmatum in my garden photo 200 here : facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/album.php?aid=4237&id=100000823228442 thank
I am unable to view that link as I am not a member of facebook. Could someone confirm that the content is appropriate for this forum? (Also is redirige a real French word?)
Hi Vinc and welcome, I cannot read facebook, but if you like you can post your pictures here directly. Salut Vinc, bienvenue sur le forum d'erables. Je ne suis pas abonne a facebook, mais tu peux afficher tes photos directement ici. Normalement on ne met pas de liens vers autres sites. -E P.S. redirige means "redirect"
Yes it false an account facebook sorry! but possible to see here also some photo! http://picasaweb.google.com/lapergola29270 http://gardenbreizh.org/photos/sapium goal in facebook 200 photos acer palmatum in my garden sorry i go now here 23pm47 thank
Gomero, thanks. Vinc, welcome. I think some of your posts tripped the spam filter, maybe because of the links. I enjoyed looking at your pictures on picasaweb, if you ever have the time to do so we would love to see some posted in the Maple Photo galleries. Chimera posted above the link for a how-to for this. Edit:There is one gallery for Acer palmatum cultivars and one for all other maples and the galleries are arranged by cultivar name to make it easier to view.
try album photo Uploading File(s) - Please Wait!!!! is it possible to send 200 photos at the same time! otherwise definitively too long
It's not possible to send 200 photos at the same time. If you know the name of the Acer palmatum cultivar you could place it in the A.p. cultivar Maple Photo Gallery www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=208 under it's cultivar name, click on the thread then click "Post Reply". If it's not an A. palmatum , a different Acer species, it can be placed here www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=86 under the correct name. If there is not a thread already started for the named variety you would need to start a new thread by clicking on "New Thread" near top left hand of the page. They are arranged alphabetically.Nice trees and photos.
exactly! it is in a public garden of my city, but it goes pulled out etre for restoration of the garden: - (! the have it does multiplied by propagates by cutting and transplant the last year and we called it acer palmatum "new pizza" (I possess a pizzeria^^) again in period of tests, for knowledge if the color was recovered or that that comes from the quality of the ground, my English not good :-(((