Some other parts of the tree were less advanced, I had to search for the best bits. And @stg in the post above mine is so far ahead of both of us - I think their wall is acting as heatsink and creating a warmer micro-climate...
Some rain would be welcome as well as warmth. But it does seem that there is a lot of variation in growth rates everywhere this year. Bit jealous of @stg Aureum tbh lol. You are right about the micro climates he has there.
1st May 2022 and as promised to M @maf, here is my Aureum this morning only just opening up. The chartreuse green is showing though, even in the early stages.
I've had mine for about three years now and am consistently amused by how it refuses to grow at all. It seems healthy enough, thankfully, but it's clearly unmotivated to do much (I know how it feels!)
So cute when they are this size. But don't worry Xi. It will all of a sudden shoot and you will not know how to control it. Lol.
Oh I hope so, I can't wait! I half-wonder if the little pot is keeping it small, but it seems quite happy and contented in there so I'm loathe to repot it if it's enjoying itself....
If the roots are constricted then it will keep it small. If you want it larger then a gradual increase in pot size will do the trick. Next Spring perhaps !!?
My small one was in almost full shade from 9 to 17. I put it in a shadier spot today, but when looking at the leaves, I think the main problem is chlorosis : the water here is very hard, and since it hardly rains, I have to water my trees from the tap. Adding fertlizers that are supposed to lower the pH has its limit I think.
My leaves seem to be coping at present, but saying that we have had lots of rain during the past week and i think it must be over two weeks since i actually watered it myself but it looks happy enough.
We are definitely celebrating the summer in Aureum-land. It didn't do anything like this last year: what a nice surprise!
In the rain this time. Still enjoying how different it is this year from the slightly drab and unremarkable display it put on the last two years in a row: