I haven't posted to this forum in over a year - it is time to get back into the swing of sharing appreciation for the plants we love - Japanese Maples. My new favorite is Acer palmatum 'Amagi shigure'. Of course my first experience with this amazing maple [no pun intended Charlie] was a one gallon that came as part of Talon's maple program. I immediately asked for more and I did obtain ten in what Talon calls a Baby Box 7"x7". I repotted them to 3 gallon size and held them until this last spring. Of course they quickly sold out. The color is outstanding, but some say it looks like Kasigiyama or Purple Ghost, but I disagree that the color is the same and then the black veins really set the leaves off. But the biggest WOW so far has been then the summer color because it really doesn't fade out as so many reticulated red/purple cultivars do. As an added benefit is the growth habit which is nice without much pruning. Some of the other cultivars require a lot of work to finally get a maple that is balanced and good enough to sell or give as a gift. I obtained my first Amagi shigure in the spring of 2012 so this fall will be my second one and I will pay much more attention as to when the leaves begin to turn, how the color changes, and how long the color lasts. What do you all think? Sam
I fully agree with you. I have one since 2004 and I can say that it is definitely different from the Ghosts. I would also add that (at least in my place and without fertilizer) it is much smaller than the Ghosts Gomero
I would also say it is noticable different than the ghost. I would put is in the size range of kasagi yama wihich is short than Purple & Amber Ghost but much bigger than uncle Ghost. Last season I bought one Amagi shigure which was a little taller than 5'. when I was down at Buchholz this summer i saw several of tehm which where close to 6' tall and a nice wide spread. These had a different shape than the first one i bought which looked as if it had been used for scion wood. I have owned Amagi shigure for a few year, my first tree was about 15" tall and after a few years it might be 6" taller.
This one is on it's way to be my favorite! Once it gets a little size I'm sure it will be. It deffinetly has my favorite leaf for up close viewing. I got it from you Sam, one of the 3 gallons in the spring. Here are some pics of it's second flush, I just hope it's not too late in the season to harden off before winter. Great tree! Thanks Sam, Lou
Thanks Lou, Amagi shigure is my favorite maple because of color and shape. The unusual purple/fushia color with black veins and a black edge around the leaf is just stunning. So now that I have a few to winter over I will pay particular attention to fall colors and when first leaves appear in the spring. A photo to enjoy.
Definitely need to pick another one of these up come spring - hopefully this one will make it, I did enjoy my first one while I had it.
is one best cultivar in my garden ,when sprout the veins are bleu!slow growing,mine is in open soil and have a moderate tollerance to dry conditions
Alex, Thanks for the feedback. The more I hear from collectors about their Amagi shigure just confirms how this maple performs for me in the Pacific Northwest. If this beauty can hold its color through the summer in different climate zones then it is a real winner.