Those are amazing photos for playing with a camera for the first time. I saw an Athyrium filix-femina 'Frizelliae', Tatting Fern, the 5th photo in the previous posting, on a garden tour one year, a guerilla planting on a boulevard, and was hoping to find one for my balcony, but did not see one when I went looking, ended up with a Holly Fern, Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata', which I posted in another thread but will include here. Not as cute, but at least it's evergreen.
I was lucky enough to pick mine up at the annual Van Dusen plant sale about 4 years ago, and this was the only time I've ever seen one for sale.
For anyone looking to buy a Tatting Fern and not finding any for sale, Fraser's Thimble Farm has them listed at $11.