My garden is mostly disappointing this year: so many maples have gone from late summer colours to dry brown/grey leaves without a show in between. I suppose it's not surprising given the challenging weather this year - as long as they survive to next Spring, I'll try again then! Still, the few that have made an effort are quite spectacular. Giant Moon, Itaya Momiji, Kin Pai, Koko: Miwa, Ornatum, Ornatum & Osakazuki x2: All Osakazuki, all the time: Sharp's Pygmy, Suminagashi:
The same down here Xi. Sooo many lost as well for me. But perhaps our zones are changing!?? Think after the last two years and if Summers continue like this year, then I'll be in zone 9. You have some lovely colours, so no don't be too downhearted. There's always 2023.
We had some nice early morning dew today, so it was time to take a few photos to share. Not too colourful yet but on their way. At least these survived the 40°C heat and the long drought of Summer 2022. Orangeola x2 Autumn Moon x2 Hana Matoi Trompenburg Mr Sun x2 Baldsmith
I think many of us feel that way. Lots of disappointments, but there are still colors to looks at, even though some aren't the usual suspects. Here, Osakazuki seems to be fizzling, but the japonicums are showing quite well. @maf , man those seedlings are tremendous. It almost looks like Virginia Creeper! Some more from here: 'Emmett's Pumpkin, darker red on the sun side (pic 3) Acer okamotoanum, on the planting list this winter The luminescent Acer cordatum, even with blackening from the burning Not a maple, but Liquidambar 'Silver King' has been magnificent this year, no burning at all in full sun, and showing better fall colors than normal. A. oliverianum 'Nakahara beni', and with it's partner A. campestre 'Pulverulentum' 'Kinran', colors over burning A. pensylvanicum, valiant effort A. leucoderme, resisted even though being planted last spring. A. anhweiense (formerly A. robustum), relatively unbothered by the drought.
Hey those look fine, Derek! Not seeing any pics at all, was beginning to get really worried for your collection.
Lost some old ones sadly. My 35 year old Red Flash and Purple Ghost also circumed. It's so depressing to watch trees die like this. Lost around 30 overall. Yours are all looking wonderful btw. Have been enjoying this thread.
Seed grown shira in foreground and Sieboldianum "Fall Colors" in background Sieboldianum "Fall Colors" in background -- from Conifer Kingdom
That's awful, really hard to lose those old, admired friends. 30 is a terrible number. We lost quite a few, but nothing like that. I'm so sorry. Of course, I'm not taking pictures of dead or defoliated trees, so that helps impressions in the thread, anyway... Here are some more, as we move along through the display. The carpet from A. mandshuricum, and Tasha the cat. A. amoenum and 'Johin', 'Emerald Lace' in the bg A. okamotoanum, the yellow is A. pectinatum surrounded by a couple of live oaks 'Emerald Lace' starting 'Vitifolium' from different angles A. shirasawanum ssp shirasawanum, now getting quite tall in the aceretum 'Yasemin' and a selection are the red ones. I don't quite know how Yasemin survived this year, but although all the maples of this group have damage, I hope they will all make it. Acer 'Palmatifolium', usually called shirasawanum. It often goes quite brown before veering more orange. Tough maple. 'Hana matoi' 'Aconitifolium', that's 'Inaba shidare' in fg Color just beginning on Ariadne and also on A. truncatum But nearly finished on 'Sango kaku'. That's A. callipes 'Honeydew' on the left, and a Hydrangea petiolaris behind that always colors nicely. A. leucoderme 'Confederate Ghost' is very interesting A. davidii 'Viper' is an obvious hybrid. It grows extremely quickly, even here. A very pretty snakebark, but likely to be short-lived.
I don't know what species this seed grown maple is: Westonbirt seedling: Sunset: Acer shirasawanum Aureum has almost no colour left and another that likes to hold onto dead leaves, Filigree : Acer amoenum seedling and Eddisbury : Amagi shigure and Matsugae:
@LoverOfMaples I am not sure. I still have the tag on it so I will check this weekend to see if any information about origin documented. I found this so I think likely a Crispin introduction Acer sieboldianum 'Fall Colors' | Wholesale Nursery Supplies & Plant growers in Oregon | Nursery Guide
A drizzling rain hasn't stopped since this morning. It added a touch of varnish on the leaves. Ryusen : Trompenburg : A seedling of the "Atro" family. The green leaves behind are 'Beni maiko' : I like the contrast between the red of 'Beni hagoromo', the light green of a small lilac tree, and the leaves of the apple-tree :
I thought the name sound familiar @kbguess A few pics from the Arnold Arboretum yesterday Acer pseudosieboldianum
My 2 shirasawanum Aureums did nothing this year, turned yellow and suddenly defoliated..Jordan’s did the same.. The Aconitifolium in the sun pushed out sone great colours, the one in dappled sun is still green, as is Attaryi. Heres Ukigumo The lower canopy of Osakazuki and Koto no-ito Emerald Lace has intensified over the past week Inaba Shidare and Amoenum sp Bi-hoo
Still looking good R. Love those reds. I have mostly a garden of Winter bare bones this Autumn. So much defoliation....
If I buy another maple, it will be 'Ukigumo'. I had already planned a visit tomorrow to a nearby nursery that have them. I'll take the strike of the 200 people or so that are blocking the supply of petrol and diesel in France not to go I think. No diesel some 50 km around today. .... but I still have enough in the tank for some 350 km and the 'Ukigumo' is only some 30 km from here. Ahhh, a hard decision to make (a "rich" man's dilemma).
Crazy weather : it was cloudy, some 14° when I got up, and this afternoon, mainly sunny, 23° ! Some trees have sun-croched leaves, but after the weeks of heat and drought, the rain came while it was still fairly warm for October and pushed out new leaves. Unidentified seedling (amoenum?), 'Beni komachi' (with a friendly ladybird/ladybug), and Acer sikkimense : My Acer griseum is beginning to show spectacular colours, while the Acer palmatum in the ground is still green : The potted ones in the shade are just beginning to show their autumn colours : And I can't resist posting again 'Beni hagoromo' today, and two "Acer buddies" : Pinguicula 'Tina' that has flowered three times this year and a Ginkgo biloba that is complementing an 'Atro dissectum', and the weeds around :