Ah ha ha..! I tried to imagine what it would sound like with a NYer accent, nice one. ;0) But I surely wouldn't sue you for these wonderful photos: that 'Shoryu no tsume' is really fantastic !
More from 18 Oct: Early color on Mirte A. truncatum with Mirte and Shishigashira in bg Green Hornet Nicholsonii with yellow selection Carpet of Palmatifolium leaves Inabe shidare and Orangeola Selection from Kinran seed, the good yellow is A. flabellatum Baldsmith Crimson Carol A. sinense seedling with good orange color Emerald Lace trying out a garden position (I think it will get planted there) A griseum continuing to color Mikawa yastubusa, very sun and drought resistant A. triflorum starting, with Hogyoku and others Kinu gasa yama A. miyabei always makes a good strong yellow
Mine, about a week ago - but it's basically still the same today, only two or three leaves at the base having fallen : ... One that I mustn't lose...
Not as dramatic as a Japanese maple, but I'm impressed by the fine colour on my Acer circinatum this year. It's about 20 years old.
I'm surprised I've got any colours at all this Autumn, but with the extreme weather in the Summer and this mornings temperature at 20c I really shouldn't be surprised. So here are just 3 Osakazuki looking rather bedraggled. Fairy lights X2 Kandy kitchen
Here's a focus on A. triflorum, between 19-27 Oct. In the sun behind 'Orangeola'. Sort of a short season, as the top of the tree burned off, but still some pretty things to look at.
Mustn't lose mine either lol! They also have many green leaves and only a few have fallen so far. Mostly yellow tones in the changed leaves, the one I pictured was the most interesting. Started keeping them in the greenhouse from last year and seems to have helped. Gets them into leaf a few weeks earlier (2 or 3 in 2022) and plants seem to be a little healthier. Growing outside in the UK winter losses averaged about 10% every year over the last 10 years or so, I have to accept Acer pentaphyllum is only marginally hardy in my climate.
@AlainK @maf @emery @Acerholic I know you chaps are interested in this cultivar ..here’s pentaphyllum at Westonbirt last week. This tree looks healthier than I have ever seen it before..looked unhappy 3 years ago..but appears to have turned a corner
Attaryi - went away for a few days and missed the colour change entirely on this one..just this left on a small 1m tree! Aconitifolium - in shaded position - appears to go orange/yellow and drop, no reds like on the other one that gets more sun - obvious I guess! Asahi zuru Filigree Crispifolium A lot of mine have dropped now..
They certainly like heat and light, it would have had that this year! It is looking good. I can see a few of the leaf spots that mine always seem to suffer from, which I assume comes from too much wet in pots. That Attaryi is lovely, sometimes a single leaf is all it takes! What's the history of "Crispifolium", all I see is that Vertrees called it "unverified." Is it a graft, and if so, where did you pick it up, I wonder?
Thanks Emery. Excuse the mess in that original photo..I'm clustering the pots for winter lol I bought it as a mature tree (I’m guessing 15years old or more by the thickness of the trunk and very well developed root foot) . It was tagged with an EU plant passport with a producer prefix IT - so I think it came from Italy..I also bought a similarly mature Higasa Yama that had the same IT prefix on the tag.. I spotted only the name listed with a question mark in my Gregory and Vertrees 4th edition book. I bought a young Shishi-gashira from a different nursery purely to see if I could spot the difference..I haven’t been able too yet but the Shishi-gashira is only 50cm…it does look rather similar! Alain and MrShep comment in the following: Acer palmatum Crispifolium Spring photo 2022 and Autumn 2021
We've had some big winds and rain, and the temperature is finally dropping. I'm still seeing maples leafing out, which is quite worrisome in November. A lot of leaves are gone, but some of the JMs are only just starting, though I'm not sure there will be much of a display from them. We'll see. Still catching up on pictures for the thread though, where it is 19 and 20 October and very warm. Various views of 'Nicholsonii' and some maples that surround it. Really a classic. A variegated cream and green selection [browser crash and reboot, trying to continue] In order: Jordan x2, Paperbark x2 (still going today, but rather shabby after the storm), Flavescens, a giant macrophyllum leaf among the big sycamore leaves, Koto no ito x3, with Ariadne on the final, O sakazuki with a green palmatum, the Chocolate Maple, A. pauciflorum just starting. Sadly the large pauciflorum died last year, though I didn't realize it until this spring.
I have a few red colours today for the thread. Inaba shidare. Showing only half turned and looking quite strange... Ariaki Nomura. My old faithful with not so many leaves this Autumn compared to previous years. But it did shed a lot through the Summer heat to protect itself. English Town. Bucking the trend with plenty of leaves this year.
Atmospheric river pushing through. While I was on my windy walk this morning a pine went down in our backyard. Supposed to get worse this afternoon. 'Geisha Gone Wild' bent and buried in there. earlier this week today
It is a pity, but there will be room for some more maples next spring! Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
5th November 2022 and just received a letter from the water board saying that the hose pipe ban has been lifted today. Hurrah!! Floods everywhere now, who needs a hose pipe !!!! Anyway I have a few more trying to give some colour this afternoon, so took a couple of photos in between the showers for the thread. Sister Ghost Satsuki Beni X 2 Westonbirt Red x2. Grandma Ghost.
Finally I am able to come back to the forum :-) Life was quite busy recently! Colors this year seem quite different from previous years! For instance this year, this Acer palmatum turned quite red but last year, it was more yellow (and even more yellow a week after): Two weeks ago: Koto No Ito & Orange dream Koto no Ito