I have tried this oil based spray on my bamboo, that I have to keep washing off because of the sun and heat, does anyone know of a product available that you can feed them, or something to get rid of them because the oil thing isn't really working and it is really annoying to use. My bamboo is looking a little sad. Carol Ja
Due to the life cycle you have to use more than one product anyway. Others will know products they have tried and like.
I have heard of using systemic miticide, I don't plan on using the bamboo shoots for harvesting, but I can't seem to find someone who knows what it is. (Keeping in mind that I live on a small island. I don't have many places to look.) Is it available somewhere in Canada, that maybe I can order it. Carol Ja
I have some systemic miticide I can give you if you come up to Nanaimo. They took it off the market a few years ago Morris
You might consider predator mites; otherwise, contact either Doug Box or Naren Kartar on your island, both are major bamboo growers and could probably be of assistance to you.