Photo taken today. Suspect that tall plant in yard, one in foreground, and one near house are siblings. Temps here (until a week ago) have been much warmer than normal, so late-October blooming may not be typical. Pardon lousy photo.
Sorry, can't pardon the photo - we can't see the flowers! Just go up to the plant and take photos of the flowers. If it were here, I would go up close and take photos, and if the owners/residents come out, ask them what it is and how many of them did they actually plant. I guess there are places where one can't do that safely. I do it here pretty often, except on streets that get too much photographer attention because of their flowering trees. I would guess burdock, Arctium minus, but I don't know if that's a ridiculous guess.
So cultivated tobacco. Wikipedia says it's the most commonly grown species of Nicotiana (though it also says it's thought to be a hybrid). @togata57, this is growing near you? @Ron B, do people grow this as an annual in the Pacific NW?
Yes, a few streets away. Wonder if my neighbor plans to 'roll his/her own'! Thank you, Wendy and Ron.