Two Photos show shrub with black berries which grows wild, but not that common amongst our local hedge rows. Berries seem to be arranged in a cone shape. Also photo of leaves. Any ID appreciated. Thank you Location: Edenbridge, Kent, England.
Yes - I am with RonB as far as I know - birds can eat the berries but not for pets or humans nice in floral arrangements mine here near Vancouver BC grows enthusiastically a country acreage hedgerow is perfect for it
In spring it has pretty white flowers. To me they smell disgusting and remind me of cat pee. While others like the smell!
See Ligustrum vulgare - Wikipedia: "Ligustrum vulgare (wild privet, also sometimes known as common privet or European privet) ..."
It's Wild Privet. "Common privet" is an unhelpful US renaming of our native species for us, misleading as it (a) differs from the correct name, and (b) invites confusion with the very commonly cultivated Ligustrum ovalifolium from eastern Asia.