Blossom Reports from Joseph Lin, Our Man About Town

Discussion in 'Vancouver Cherry Blog' started by Joseph Lin, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver SE communities in the morning of March 8: Rancho at Knight and Granville St. 20%; Schmittii at Memorial South Park 5%; Spire at East 57Ave 20%; Umineko 5%; Akebono on West 60Ave 90%;

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver Downtown Coal Harbour Community AM on March 8: Akebono at Burrard Station 95%(-10%); Several young Akebono with larger petals by Meriville townhouses; Akebono near Georgia St. 90%; some Shirotae undet sunlight in Georgia St. building court 20%;

    Cherry blossom update in VanDusen Garden in the afternoon of March 8: Pendula 80%; Snow Fountain 90%

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver Marpole community in the afternoon of March 8: Somei-yoshino on West 68 Ave. 80%; Akebono on West 64Ave andWest 70 Ave. 60%; Akebono on Manitoba St. 60%
  2. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    9 March, 2010 - What's in bloom

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver NE communities in the afternoon of March 9: Akebono in Melbourne Park 80%; Schmittii 10% and Akebono 70% in Sunrise community; Akebono 80% in Oppenheimer Park (fenced)

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver QE Park in the afternoon of March 9: Umineko 5%; Shirotae 0%; Akebono 30%; Sargent 5%; Somei-yoshino 5~80% on different branches

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver Riley Park Community in the afternoon of March 9: Akebono 80%
  3. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    10 March, 2010 - What's in bloom

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver SW communities in the afternoon of March 10: six Afterglows 10% and four Akebonos 50% on Prince Edward St.; two Afterglows on Heather St. 10%, Somei-yoshino 50% and Akebono 90% in Marpole Community

    Along SW Marine Drive in Vancouver in the afternoon of March 10: two pendula 80% at West 57 Ave.; three Akebono 50%~80% in Maple Grove; four Akebono 60% opposite to PG Golf Course; Akebono 30% at Shaughnessy Golf Course

    In University Of BC in the afternoon of March 10: Somei-yoshino 50% and four Akebono 30% on Lower Mall; Akebono 30%, Shirotae 0%, Okame finished by Asian Centre; Somei-yoshino 60% at Chan Centre; young Akebonos 20% on Walter Gage Rd.; Shirotae 0% by Regent College

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver Kitsilano Community in the afternoon of March 10: six Afterglows 0~5% on west side and four Akebonos 50% on east side of Balaclava St.; Akebonos 80% in Point Grey Road Park; Spire 10% by Kitsilano Pool, Akebonos 30~50% on Cornwall Ave, Schmittii 10% on West 6 Ave; three Somei-yoshino 80% and two Oshima 20% by tennis court; Shirotae 20% on West 1st Ave; one Somei-yoshino 80% at Seaforth Armory
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2010
  4. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    12 March, 2010 - What's in bloom

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver Riley Park community in the afternoon of March 12: two rows of Akebono 95% on Manitoba St. from Wst 39~43 Ave.; Akebono 50%, Sargent 5%, Somei-yoshino 50% at West 33Ave of QE Park

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver Oakridge community in the afternoon of March 12: several Shirotae 20%, four Akebono 50%, unknown white flowers 5% on north side West 45Ave between Cambie to Fairchild St. by Safeway; A Blireiana plum and two rows of many Akebono 50% in the central court of the south apartment; two Accolades withered 90%; long row Whitcomb withered 100%; several Akebono 50% on the hill by Ash St. of Tisdale Park at West 49Ave.; a big Akebono 80% at West 49Ave & Tisdale St.; a row of young Akebono 50% beside an apartment on north side West 45Ave between Tisdale to Fairchild St.

    An unknown white flowers 5% on north side West 45Ave between Cambie to Fairchild St. by Safeway: 150 cm high and 200 cm diameter, semiweeping, pale pink bud, white flower, overlapped petals, 3.5 cm diameter

    Cherry blossom update in Vancouver Marpole community in the afternoon of March 12:
    From West 59 Ave & Cambie St.; two rows of young Akebono 80% on Yukon St. by Winona Park; a row of young BL-plum on West 59 Ave. by the park; a pendula at north of West 59 Ave & Columbia St.; a row of Akebono on Rockpoole Dr. and maybe several withered Whitcomb in the community; two rows of Akebono 100% on West 60 Ave. from Manitoba to Ontario St.; two rows of withered 80% Acoolade on West 61 Ave.; 90% withered PL-plum on East 62 Ave.; one Akebono and unknown short 2cm diameter white flower with narrow stalk attached to the stem and visible sepals; Afterglow 20% on Prince Edward St. between East 62~61 Ave; two rows of young Akebono on PE St from East 61~59 Ave; two rows of 90% withered Whitcomb on East 59Ave from PE to Main St.; two rows of Spire 10% and four Umineko 10~30% on East 57 Ave. from Main to Ontario St.
  5. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    16 March, 2010 - What's in bloom

    The Akebonos in Dunbar Community are fully blooming!

    Tai Haku and Takasago in Dunbar,
    Tai Haku and Takasago in Marpole,
    Tai Haku and Washi-no-o in Kerrisdale,
    Sargent & Umineko in QE Park,
    Yama-zakura on East 27Ave & Fraser,
    Spire & Umineko on Sophia & East 21 Ave.
    Spire & Umineko on East 57 Ave. & Main,
    Rancho on East 43 Ave. & Knight,
    Schimittii on East 6 Ave & Renfrew
    Schimittii on East 41 Ave & Prince Albert
    all start to bloom.
  6. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    18 March, 2010 - What's in bloom

    March 18 morning, I led a cherry walk from Broadway & Renfrew in Sunrise Community: Many rows of mixed Kobus & Star Magnolia, rows of Hornbeam, rows of withered black-leaved plum, best panorama view in Vancouver, Graveley Akebono rows, Graveley Yama-zakura rows and East 6 Ave. Schmittii rows.

    March 18 afternoon: I visited 3 Yae-beni-shidare, one Stellata, one Pendula, 4 Umineko, 2 Shirotae 20%, 2 Akebono 90% around QE Park duck pond. Then, I visited 3 Schmittii in Memorial South Park, 12 Rancho and one Spire on East 42 Ave., row of Somei-yoshino on East 41 Ave.

    At last, I visited row of 15 Takasago and two Yama-zakura on EAst 46 Ave., 2 Somei-yoshino at East 47 Ave., one Yae-beni-shidare at Coleridge, 7 Yama-zakura and two Spire on East 48 Ave., 3 Akebono? near Waverley Ave in and around Killarney Park. I Also visited row of Takasago on Vivian St. 5 Akebono on East 58 Ave., row of 6 Akebono on Rosemont Dr., rows of Akebono on Nairn, Copeland, Langford Ave., 14 Akebono at Champlain Heights School Annex, row of Kobus Magnolia on East 52 Ave.

    I cannot find the Pendula on Tyne St. & East 49 Ave. There are one Mikuruma-gaeshi at #3186 East 50 Ave., one Washi-no-o 30% at #3183 East 51 Ave. and the other Washi-no-o 30% at #3131 East 51 Ave.
  7. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    2010 Cherry Blossom Walks & Talks in Vancouver

    February 21, Cherry Whitcomb & Plum Blossom Walks in Vancouver Grandview Community
    February 23, Cherry Whitcomb & Plum Blossom Walks in Vancouver Sunset Community
    February 28, Cherry Plum, Serrula Blossom Walks in Vancouver Arbutus Ridge
    March X, Cherry Pandora, Accolade Blossom Walks in Vancouver Mount Pleasant West Community

    March 3, Cherry Pendula, Plum, Accolade Blossom Walks in Vancouver Fairview Community
    March 5, Cherry Accolade, Whitcomb, Akebono Blossom Walks in Vancouver Oakridge Community
    March 6, Cherry Accolade, Akebono, Somei-yoshino Blossom Walks in Vancouver Kerrisdale Community

    March 8, Cherry Akebono, Shirotae Blossom Walks in Vancouver Coal Harbour Community
    March 13, Cherry Akebono, Afterglow, Spire, Umineko Blossom Walks in Vancouver Marpole East Community
    March 14, Cherry Akebono, Shirotae, Somei-yoshino Blossom Walks in Vancouver Fairview Slope Community

    March 17, Cherry Somei-yoshino, Akebono, Afterglow, Takasago Blossom Walks in Marpole West Community
    March 18, Cherry Akebono, Yama-zakura, Schmittii Blossom Walks in Vancouver Sunrise Community
    March 19, Cherry Akebono, Spire, Oshima, Somei-yoshino Blossom Walks in Vancouver Kitsilano Community
    March 20, Cherry Somei-yoshino, Akebono, Shirotae Blossom Walks in Vancouver UBC Community

    Cherry Blossom Walks & Talks Plan in the near future:

    March X, Akebono, Akebono, Shirotae, Tai Haku, Takasago Blossom Walks in Marpole Southwest Community
    March X, Akebono, Tai Haku, Takasago, Somei-yoshino, Shirotae Blossom Walks in Dunbar Community
    March X, Akebono, Yama-zakura, Takasago, Yae-beni-shidare, Somei-yoshino, Spire, Washi-no-o, Mikurama-gaeshi, Rancho Walks in Killarney
    March X, Akebono, Shirotae, Stellata, Umineko, Sargent, Mikurama-gaeshi Walks in Queen Elizabeth Park
    March X, Cherry Somei-yoshino, Akebono, Rancho, Shirotae, Ojochin Blossom Walks in Stanley Park

    March X, Takasago, Mikurama-gaeshi, Shirotae, Amanogawa, Shogetsu Walks in West End Community
    March X, Cherry Tai Haku, Washi-no-o, Ukon, Kanzan Blossom Walks in Vancouver Kerrisdale Community
    March X, Cherry Ukon, Kanzan, Ichiyo, Shirofugen, Avium Plena Blossom Walks in Cambie Community

    April X, Cherry Ukon, Tai Haku, Kiku-Shidare-zakura, Shirotae, Kanzan Blossom Walks in Burnaby Community
    April X, Cherry Ukon, Kanzan Blossom, Avium Plena Walks in Vancouver Mount Pleasant East Community
    April X, Cherry Ukon, Kanzan, Shirofugen Blossom Walks in Vancouver Marpole Community
    April X, Cherry Kanzan, Shirofugen Blossom Walks in Vancouver Sunset Community
    April X, Cherry Kanzan, Ichiyo Blossom Walks in Vancouver Killarney Community
  8. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    20 March, 2010- What's in bloom

    March 20, 2010

    Kitsilano Community:
    Two Autumnalis at West 10 Ave. & Larch St. SE by Kitsilano Community Centre

    UBC Community:
    one Tai Haku at the SE corner of UBC Faculty of Law at 1822 East Mall
    one Yoshino Shidare at University Blvd medium at Western Parkway near UBC Village stores
    Somei-yoshino tissue culture? others?

    Dunbar Community:

    only one possible Shirofugen at the end of King Edward St.
    two Rancho #3478 & #3477 West 37 Ave at Collingwood St. in Dunbar for 25 years
    one Stellata at #3506 West 37 Ave at Collingwood St. (1929)
    row of Tai Haku 10% on Blenheim St. East side from West 38~41 Ave.
    rows of Akebono & Tai Haku 10% on West 39 Ave from Dunbar to Blenheim for block party

    Kerrisdale Community:
    Three Washi-no-o 50%, row of Tai Haku 30% on Balsam St.,
    row of Takasago on West 45 Ave. from Larch to Elm St.

    South Community Community:
    one Shirotae, one Takasago and unbloomed cherry by the north side of RCMP Headquarters at 5255 Heather Street,
    row of Tagasago 50% on Ash Street
    row of Somei-yoshino 100% on the medium of Cambie Street from West 37~49 Ave.
  9. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    March 26, 2010

    March 26, 2010

    In Stanley Park, Akebono -20%, Ojochin 20%, Shirotae 100%, Takasago 100%, Snow goose 100%, Autumnalis Rosea off and on (one branch full of flowers) by Loas Lagoon.

    In Kerrisdale, Akebono -80%, Tai Haku 100%, 3 Washi-no-o 100%-10%, Ukon 15% (also on Churchill & West 49Ave and Oakridge at Safeway), Takasago 100%, Autumnalis off and on, Kanzan buds; Rancho or Sargent 100% on West 47 Ave.

    On West 50 Ave (btw Marine Cr & MacDonald), Akebono -90%, 3 Hill Cherries 100%-30%, 1 white unknown 100%-30%, 2 private Yae-beni Shidare, 1 Washi-no-o, few Accolades and Akebono.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010
  10. Joseph Lin

    Joseph Lin Active Member 10 Years

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    March 31, 2010- What's in bloom

    Although I spent only 1:40 hours from 3~4:40 pm in Downtown this afternoon, I enjoyed to see and took many photos of different cultivars with Wendy's posts.

    I am glad to have these photos for my recent project "Cheery Blossom for Dr. David Lam". I sent him beautiful photos of one cherry cultivar every other day, because he is too weak to come out to see his loving cherries recently.

    Ukon and Shirotae on Pacific Blvd at Yaletown
    Pink Perfection & Kanzan at Davie & Richards St.
    Ichiyo at Cardero & Davie St.
    Shirotae, Takasago, Ichiyo on Cardero St. and nearby
    Kiku-zakura at 1935 Haro St.
    Ukons at rear lane of 1888 Alberni St.
    Pink Perfection & Amanogawa Broughton & Alberni St.

    This is the "Cherry Blossom Empty Window Period" in Vancouver. Before the third blossom wave of Kanzan, people may only see Magnolia. But we as cherry scouts luckily know how to appreciate some special & beautiful cherry cultivars still at community corners and backyards.

    This is the show time for Shirotae, Mikuruma-gaeshi, Sargent Rancho, Takasago, Tai Haku, Ichiyo, Ukon and Amanogawa, while people are waiting for the last show of Kanzan, Pink Perfection, Avium Plena, Shogetsu and Shirofugen.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2010

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