Hello everybody, I have a few grape vines in my backyard and I want to spray to prevent fungal infections. I found a recipe on the internet for what it’s called Bordeaux Mixture. The recipe calls for copper sulphate and hydrated lime. Does anybody knows where I can buy these chemicals from? I live in Pitt Meadows. Thank you.
Cyber--the cheapest copper sulphate can be had at any tack shop (horse supply) which there should be lots up your way. They use it for dipping hooves to control/prevent something or other...probably fungus! I got a bag for next to nothing because it had gotten wet and formed a bit of a clump...no problem of course since it is completely soluble in water anyway. Hydrated lime is the stuff used by masons, so should be at any big (or little) box building supply place. Your recipe probably mentioned to strain (filter) the mixture before spraying, the lime component can clog many types of spray nozzles otherwise. Glen