Bunny Ear Cactus is turning white

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by mimas432, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. mimas432

    mimas432 New Member

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    Vienna, Austria

    I've looked all over the internet but it seems like no one is having my problem. My bunny ear cactus is turning white from the bottom up. It is as if the top layer of the "skin" is shedding and it gets hard. I can chip it off. At the bottom, there are several white layers on top of each other. I've had the cactus for a long time and I think it has always done this but it increased the speed. Otherwise, it is doing alright and growing new leaves quickly and seems healthy overall.

    Does anyone know what could be wrong? Or what I could do to stop this?

    Thank you

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  2. ice_cold_java

    ice_cold_java New Member

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    I don't have this kind of cactus and I am not sure what the white is. Could it be sun-burn? If it is, it could be mostly on the side that faces the sun (if it is an indoor plant with a window seat.)

    I have prickly pears that look a little bit like your bunny ear. In my experience with prickly pears, whatever the damage of the white stuff is, it will always retain the white bits (or some matured battle wound), if the plant survives this.

    To be sure some of your plant survives, you can take one of the pieces that is not affected, and put it in a another pot with soil. Effectively, you'd be propagating the plant. Internet suggests letting the cut piece dry and heal before re-potting. Also, make sure your cutting utensil is clean and sterile. The cut plant will need to be shaded, but in a well-ventilated spot. Lots of little details like that, check internet. I over-shaded my barrel cactus after cutting by putting it in a box, and made things worst.

    I should add that if it is sun-burn then no need to propagate. It won't be pretty, but the unaffected new growth will probably manage to survive where they are.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2020

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