Can I cut Orchid leaves off?

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by val from England, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Well my gosh you are doing something right because it is absolutely gorgeous! I couldn't believe it when I saw it!

    Yes, I know what you mean - you don't want to keep getting the same color. I am itching to buy another one real soon. Of course I will post a picture of it, when I do!

    Now you've got me all obssessed with orchids!!! I will blame you if I come home with 7 new ones!!

    : )
  2. I have become obsessed since I started this thread! I also read your blog and see that you love red berried things just like me! I bought a new hollyberry bush when we moved here and I waited for the promised red berries they took ages to grow and when they did they were a sludge colour! its doing quite well against the garden wall, but I do so want some red berries! BTW, have you got a lot of snow? Val xx
  3. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Yes, we have tons of snow - and more coming! I am sick of it.

    Oh that's a shame about the hollyberry having off colored berries! : (
    The types I have are "Blue Prince/Princess", and "Blue Girl/Boy". All four of them are covered in snow right now, but this does not hurt them, as they are evergreen and the snow serves as a mulch.

    You've got to get yourself a red-berried variety. I know that cuttings can be taken, but I am not sure if they would live through the travelling process. Plus they are slow growing and cuttings would take forever. I hope you can find one - maybe online? I got mine from my local nursery.

    I have an indoor berrying shrub - or should I say "cherrying" shrub, called "Jerusalem Cherry"! The "cherries" ripen to a pretty red, but they're poisonous! I love enjoying it inside over the winter months. Here's a pic of my plant, but some of the cherries are still green yet...

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  4. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
  5. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)

    Are you referring to Val's orchid or my "Jerusalem Cherry"?!!! If you are talking about my plant, I have seeds available that I can send you! It is extremely easy to grow!

    : )
  6. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Orchid, but the cherry is great too.
  7. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Oh sorry about that - I feel like an arse!

    : )

    Seriously though, if you Togata, or you Val, are interested in any Jerusalem seeds - feel free to ask. I like to spread them around. The seeds are found inside the cherries.

    Otherwise - good luck with all your orchids.
  8. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Thanks, H.L. Am attempting to coerce my daughter into 1. taking some (digital) pix of my orchids, and 2. figuring out how to post them for me. ---Right now I have 2 phals and one jewel (Ludisia discolor) in bloom, 2 phals in bud, and a cattleya ditto! (More precisely, an Otaara Jane Fumiye "Hawaii". It bloomed for the FIRST time---took like 6 years!---last spring, and now has TWO BUDS on its stalk! I'm so proud of it. And the flower is so BIG and pretty, too.)The aforementioned ancient plant is "Frison X Elsa Munz". The other phal in bloom I do not have a variety label for...but I love the plant dearly. Have had 2 keikis from it (in fact, it's one of these that is currently blooming) and its blossoms are a butter-yellow spotted all over with magenta, as if they'd been worked over by someone with a steady hand and a Sharpie marker.

    Had a scare here earlier in the home from work to discover the house temp. was 59 F. Furnace pilot light had gone out. Fixed now. My first thought: MY PLANTS!!! Temp. is a steady 65 in winter (cool temps seem to inspire my orchids) but there is a big difference between 65 and 59 degrees. ----With 8" of snow last night, on top of a half-inch of ice, to be followed in the next week with HIGH temps in the 20s and more snow on the hope is that the power stays ON. Having had the power here off several times this season, I heartily sympathize with the folks south of here who have it way worse than I do.

    H.L., I must compliment you on your stellar way with plants! All of yours just coruscate with health and happiness. Always a cheering sight to see them. Thanks!
  9. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hello Togata57!

    Oh how very kind of you to compliment me like that! Thank you so much - that makes me feel really good!

    : )

    I do believe a picture says a thousand words, so I like to post pics as often as I can. It really is very easy. I would just die to see those gorgeous orchids you are describing! They sound heavenly! You are too good an orchid grower to not plaster your pics all over this thread, and make us all drool with jealousy!!!! If there is anyway I can help to get your pics successfully posted - please feel free to ask.

    Again, thank you for what you said - it makes me want to go and take a ton more pictures! Oh no -what have you started?!!!!

    Chat soon...
  10. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Hey, Hollyberry Lady! Take a look at these pix! Wow--I'm excited: my first photo posting!

    In these you can see the ancient phal, the spotty phal, and yet another phal (in fact, a Doritaenopsis) I omitted from my previous count! The two big buds on the Otaara are visible, as is the bright red blossom of a Vriesea "Tiffany" given to me by a coworker. And here is my Ludisia too! --I look forward to posting pictures of the Otaara---or, as I call her, Jane.

    Hope that you enjoy these!

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  11. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Wow! Those are awesome Togata57!

    Look how healthy the leaves are! All of them are stunning. Oh thank you so much for posting your wonderful pictures - I enjoyed them very much. It is plain to see that you know exactly what you are doing! I am so impressed. See - I knew we would be drooling!

    That first pic is neat - I've never seen that color before. The yellow one with the purple specks is simply beautiful. Good for you. Orchids are obviously loving what you are doing! I look forward to seeing more of your pics in the future, now that you know how to to do it. It's fun, eh? Was that a lily in one of the pictures? Gorgeous foliage!

    : )

    Thanks again - hats off to you...
  12. Hi H.L and TG! I love the photo of all those orchids TG and I understand your worry when the pilot light went out, why does this always happen when its cold? I am so envious of you both having so much snow! its not fair, Yesterday we had thick fog and drizzle, today is very cold but bright but snow is forecast for the weekend, though I doubt it will be much. I like the look of the Cherries HL, and yes please, I would love some seeds if it can be arranged.
    We have just come back from the nursery, where I bought an Orchid, its called a Miltonia, and its almost a burgundy colour with white edging. It cost £12. 99 which isnt too bad, they didnt have a speckled yellow one, but as it will soon be Mothers Day!!! stay in touch. xx
  13. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Oh yes I can definitely send you the seeds! Send me a private message with your mailing address.

    As far as the snow goes - the novelty would wear off in a quick hurry! Frankly I am sick of all this bloody snow! It is not all it is cracked up to be, especially when you're dealing with it day in, and day out.

    Wow - you're orchid sounds pretty! Love to see a picture of it. So glad you got one, that's great! Chat soon...

    : )
  14. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Thanks for your nice comments, H.L.! You are always so cheerful and encouraging to us all. Really do appreciate that! And, y'know, I think that your plants feel it too!

    Congrats on the Miltonia, val. Send a photo of it when you can. One species I don't have!

    As to the lily, H.L....??? Nope, no lily, just a LOT of orchids with one of my Christmas cacti and heart-leaved philodendrons intruding. ---The C.c. is even older than the phal---it's a start off my mom's, which she still has, and IT must be 50 years old! Blooms like crazy for her every year, too. Mine FILLS a 14" pot!

    Boy, am I fed up with this snow. Took me nearly an hour yesterday to melt and chip off enough of the inch of ice all over my ancient van to get INTO it and clear the windshield! Roads are awful. But someday spring will come...!
  15. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi Togata57:

    Oh thank you for the compliments - you're so sweet! I am so glad that you enjoy my posts, and that you appreciate my enthusiasm!

    : )

    Yes, I realized after taking a second look that it was not a lily! The foliage on your orchids is thriving and gorgeous! I love looking at your pics. I bet you can't wait for some of those buds to burst open!

    Did you see the bloom on "Val from England's" lovely pink/mauve orchid?!!!!! Wow, eh? I wish I could get that many flowers on mine! Yours too - tons of buds! I am jealous. I even give my orchid a special fertilizer just for orchids, and although I always get a reliable and successful bloom, it's never like "Val from England", or your orchid's plentiful blooms.

    I am still happy though, and my orchid is healthy, but it just makes me wonder why mine isn't loaded with many blooms instead of just 4 or 5.

    Uh oh - I feel another picture coming on soon...

    : )
  16. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Well, I didn't think it would be this soon - but here's two more pics of the same orchid above. The third bud has now opened!

    I just took these pictures less than 5 mins ago!

    Enjoy : )

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  17. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    What a luscious color! Just beautiful.
  18. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Thanks Togata!

    I know this is off topic but I just couldn't help but spread some more flower cheer with this pic I took tonight of my blooming hyacinth bulb, growing in water! Oh, I just love Spring in January!

    : )

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  19. Hi Girls, What lovely pics, I have taken a couple and will post them soon (Ive still got the Crmbo photos to upload!) We are expecting snow, wow as much as two inches, what a joke, in England when this happens there are no trains, many schools close, you wouldnt believe it!
    H.L I love that little almost purple orchid, what a lovely colour! thanks for posting it, The Hyacinth is lovely, they have such a nice smell, and its lovely to have a bit of Spring in January, it does you good I think.
    Tha Miltonia orchid has very different leaves to that of my three others, Since finding this website I have become more enthused about orchids, just to think, when I was given the first one I curled my lip a bit because I thought they would be a lot of trouble!
    I suppose I had better go and get some supplies in for the big snow-in, it will probs arrive at 7am on Monday and be gone by lunchtime! Ha! chat soon. Val xx
  20. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi Val!

    Too funny about the 2 inches of snow! Try 20 inches here! I laughed when you said everything shuts down - LOL!

    Thanks for commenting on the rich color of my orchid. I want to go buy another one - today. All this orchid talk has finally got to me! Can't wait to see your pics Val.

    Have a terrific weekend y'all. Keep in touch...

    : )
  21. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

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    Nottingham,England zone 8/9

    Since HBL has just given me an excuse here's some pics of my hyacinth (not so wonderful as yours of course HBL;)), which is coming up nicely now:). As for the other two, well....I don't think the one on the left will come up at all but the one on the right still has a green shoot so fingers crossed that will come up too!

    You're lucky to have snow....we've only had one day of proper snow back in December and the council were so unprepred (or disbeleiving!) they didn't even grit the roads - that was fun the day after when all the slush froze:(

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  22. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi JenRi!

    Thanks for the pretty pictures! Your hyacinth will be every bit as lovely as mine - it's only just beginning to bloom! The flower will get much taller, you'll see. Gorgeous! Yes, I know all about the smell! Just this morning I took a big whiff of my hyacinth, and I plan on doing it again after this message. It just cheers me up, to be surrounded by beautiful flowers in the winter.

    As for the snow - - - there are many words I can think of to describe our winter wonderland, and believe me when I tell you "lucky" isn't one of them!!!!! Cursed - maybe, but definitely not lucky!

    It's so much different when you're dealing with ridiculous amounts of it every single day - and more coming! The novelty soon wears off, when you're freezing your a** off each morning for 1/2 an hour just trying to get your car cleared off! Then too, when you walk to the mailbox, you just "love" walking in snow up to your knees! So that a short 5 minute trip, stretches into 25 minutes!

    : )
  23. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    By the way JenRi:

    Now that your hyacinth is in bloom, try to keep the flower cool and it will last longer than in a really warm room. I crack the window a pinch, that my hyacinth is in - just to keep it a bit cooler.

    Sorry Val from England! I know this thread is supposed to be about orchids!

    : )
  24. No, go off topic as often as you like, its interesting, I didnt have a Hyacinth this year, but I did have an Amyrilis (SP/) unfortunatey it grew so tall, it just went arse over head and made a terrific bang in the middle of the night, we thought we had burglars!
    The thing about England closing down when it snows is true I promise, yet when I was a kid we had to trudge to school, in deep snow and there wasn't central heating, only for the very rich!
    Jen, I love your photo's I remember it snowing in York at the begining of Dec, My cousin lives in Scarcroft Hill, and she emailed me some pics. I was soooo Jealous.
  25. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi Val from England:

    OMG - I laughed so hard about your amaryillis!!! I mean, of course I feel bad about you losing your plant, but it was just the way you described it - "arse over head" - LOL LOL LOL!

    No no, I believed you about everything shutting down on account of the snow, but I just thought it was funny! Two inches compared to our twenty! You guys don't know what snow is!!!! Frankly, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

    I was going to go get another orchid today, but I just don't want to deal with the snow!

    : )

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