Can I cut Orchid leaves off?

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by val from England, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. I would love 20iches of snow!!! really! My daughter phones me about 3 times a day to see if its still going to snow on Monday! we are both obsessed with it!! though I have to say I am one of these people who step outside the door and go base over apex, because I am scared to put a foot down firmly!!
    Has this thread made you determined to get more Orchids? it certainly has with me! but what with the recession I'll just had do buy less food!! Do you have far to go to the Garden Centre? hmm it would mean cleaning the snow off the car again! I wish I could drive, Its too late now, I'd be killing more peope than Saddam!
    Think I might go onto facebook for a while seeing as himself is watching the bloody football on TV.
    chat soon. Val.x
  2. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi Val:

    Ah yes, football - Ughhh!

    Well, it might be time to go out and indulge yourself in a couple more orchids - while he's too busy to notice how much you're spending!

    : )

    Okay, I see that you really mean it about the snow. Children too, are fun when snow is around, so I see where you're coming from. Believe me, I would send some your way, if I could!

    Yes, this thread has totally inspired me to get more orchids, for sure. I am going to be very choosey though - they cost $20.00 here! I only want ones that look extremely healthy and strong. I want unusual colors too. I'm gonna look around. No, the nursery isn't very far at all - 5 mins away!

    I am busy sowing seeds and getting seed packages prepared to pop into the post for many people - including you!

    Don't worry - as soon as I get a new orchid, I will post pictures! I know you will too. This is really a great way to pass the dreary winter, isn't it?!!! I enjoy this forum very much.

    I am involved in many seed trades currently, and enjoy trading seeds with people from all over the world! It is what I have dreamed of doing for many years, but I only just got a new laptop computer recently, so I didn't have access before that. It's so fun - and a great way to expand my already huge collection.

    I will be mailing your "Jerusalem Cherry" seeds by tomorrow night! You are going to enjoy this plant very much! I will tell you all about how to care for it, along with the seeds. You can start a few seeds as soon as they arrive. The seeds are very fresh and extremely viable. Have you ever germinated a seed before? It's very easy...
  3. Its so kind of you to send me some seeds and I cant wait to get started! it must cost you a fortune though? You are so right, its a great way to get through the winter, its already almost dark here, I cant wait for the lighter nights to come back, I am definitely a not a winter person! well not unless its sunny and frosty. I am supposed to be having 2 of the grandkids for the weekend, but weve all got bugs so peace and quiet will reign!!
    I am not that good on the computer, I havent been doing this for too long, I bought a second hand computer off of a friend, then bought a new laptop a couple of years ago, but of course practice makes progress as they say. Do they mooderate this site? we might get told off for being off topic. I just tried to put couple of pics up, but no luck I think the actual photos are in an awkward place on the computer, will try again in a mo!
  4. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi Val:

    Well yes, it is very costly to mail so many seeds to so many people, but I am just too passionate about it, to care!!! Besides, I just cannot bare the thought of all these extra seeds that I cannot use just sitting uselessly in my fridge - when they could be enjoyed and appreciated in someone's garden! Ultimately, this is what drives me, inspite of the costs.

    It's noon here (12:00 pm). The days are getting just a tad longer here, so I know Spring is coming. I just can't wait! I planted 320 tulip bulbs in the Fall - dying to see them.

    Yes, they do monitor the threads.

    : O

    I just got my laptop 4 months ago, and I am loving it! I have even been researching orchids, to see what colors are out there! I love orchids so much. That "Togata57" sure is a pro, eh? Yours too - soooo many blooms!

    Looking forward to seeing your pictures...
  5. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

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    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Thanks for the tip on the Hyacinth HBL, It's already by the window, which is the coldest spot in my room...I don't want to open the window because the draft will probably bother my Dracaena's and Cordy's on a shelf in front of the window.

    They do monitor the boards but mostly for inappropriate content and duplicate threads/threads that are in the wrong place. As far as going off topic is concerned, the only person who is likely to be bothered about going off topic is the thread starter, which would you! If someone else is interested in the topic they will often try and veer it back to what the thread was originally about but this is your thread and if you don't mind it going off topic then no-one is going to tell you off for it!

    I really want an orchid now:( Luckily valentines day and my birthday are coming up soon, will be dropping some hints to certain people over the next few weeks LOL!
  6. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi JenRi:

    Wow - my birthday is coming up too - Feb. 16th! The big 35! When's yours? Good idea to drop hints about getting an orchid for a b-day gift! Maybe I should do that too.

    Okay cool - I didn't think it was such a big deal about us going off topic a bit. Thanks for clarifying.

    If you do get any new orchids, please be sure to post pics...

    : )
  7. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Oh I will - no fear of that!

    Mine is on the 23rd the not-so-big 22 lol.
  8. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Well I hope you have a very Happy Birthday - and Valentine's day too.

    Chat soon...

    : )
  9. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Indeed and you too:)
  10. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)

    Well, I haven't found the right orchid yet - still looking.

    Here's a pic of my pot of many hyacinths and my pot of yellow tulips. Only one of the tulips is up so far, and some of the hyacinths are not fully bloomed yet either, but Spring is definitely in the air!

    : )

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  11. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Hey, val!!! As the saying what you wish for! How much snow did YOU get?

    And, H.L.: check out my orchid pix on post "Gaze upon the beauty!" My Otaara, visible in bud in left-hand photo previously posted (to R. of phal) is in full bloom! She's so pretty.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2009
  12. Hi TG, Last Monday we had 10 inches of snow by noon and about another 4 inches until night when it started to thaw, however most of it is still here despite the fact that we have had heavy rain all day today!
    Hope you are ok, stay in touch! xx
  13. Wow HL, I cant believe you've got a tulip in bloom! They are one of my favourites. I just had a look on the back step and the only things thats coming through (in pots) is the crocus's, then the daffodils should follow then last of all the tulips! Spring is on the way though it stays light until about 5.15pm. yay! xx
  14. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi Val:

    Yes, well I chill the potted up tulips in the fridge for about 12-14 weeks, making sure there's no ripening fruits or veggies near, which can destroy the flower inside the bulb!

    I have more potted tulips just beginning to grow. They are very easy. The yellow tulip is one of four in the same pot - the other 3 seem to be behind and will bloom soon. Will show more pics soon...
  15. plantian

    plantian Member

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    Los Angeles
    I agree, I would not cut off an orchid leaf unless absolutely necessary. It's not that the plant will die or anything, it's just that the leaves build up the the energy of the plant to flower, so you'd be slowing that down significantly by taking off big, healthy leaves.

    Good luck!
  16. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Well okay - since I showed the others, here is my purple hyacinth now in bloom...

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  17. Hi Raffi, I do so wish I hadnt cut the leaves off, I think I have ruined it, the leaves all came out of one side and were so big, I should have asked first, not after when it was too late, I am trying to nurse the plant back to health.

    Hi HL I love your pics of the Hyacinths, you really do have a knack, and they a re such a pretty colour, I am still having trouble with the photo's! chat soon. Val x
  18. plantian

    plantian Member

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    Los Angeles
    Don't worry too much about it, since the deed is done. It just needs some TLC in order to grow a few new leaves and save up some energy for the next blooms. The plant sounds perfectly healthy, just smaller than before :-)

    Good luck,
  19. Thanks Raffi, I hope some leaves do grow back, it looks like a stick a the mo! With it being St Valentines day my Husband has bought me a lovely white phaleonopsis orchid, I shall try not to do this one a mischief!
  20. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

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    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Awwwww should post some pictures of it, what is it you're stuck on? Maybe I can help?
  21. Thanks Jen,
    When I click on Browse to bring up my photos, the place where they are is not listed, so, I donr know how I can get it in the list! My computer seems to be on its last legs, a bit like me this week! I dont know if you will know the answer, thanks! xx
  22. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Hi Val:

    Just to let you know what happens for me - when I click browse, my picture file then appears for me to choose a photo from. This obviously is not happening for you. I don't know much about these things, but for me it was all very easy and straightforward.
  23. Hi HL, I seem to have photos in many different files, I have just saved 2 pics to "My Documents" which is always shown when I click on Browse, I will get there, thanks for trying to help!!! Val xx
  24. I would also like to see the answer to Val's question - the leaves are so large that the pot is falling over - can I cut some off? How? Many Thanks!
  25. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    I don't know...

    I would just transplant to a heavier bigger pot, rather than cut the beautiful leaves off. The older leaves will naturally die back, if you just wait anyway, as they turn yellow and shed them.

    However if you must...

    Here's a shot I took today of my orchid this should start to bloom sometime in February...

    : )

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