Hi all, I'm from the UK and have recently purchased a Japanese Maple bonsai tree that I am very keen to be able to keep indoors as long as possible. I understand that the winter dormancy period is very important for the long term survival of the tree but I'm hoping someone here would be able to give me some advice about how much if the year I can keep the tree inside if any. The place where I would like to keep it is at a window with decent light and I could keep the window open to improve the humidity and temperature. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys
It needs something like 1000 hours (and maybe a bit more time) at temperatures below 40F/5C. If it is continuously below this limit it amounts to about 6 weeks time. If it is only 12 hours a day, say, it takes at least 3 months to accumulate the chill hours. The tree will almost certainly be leafless, when accumulating chill hours, so ....
Okay, so if I were to keep it outside from late October to February time (or whenever it starts budding) then do you think I could keep it indoors for the rest of the year if it gets enough sunlight etc?
Hi TheDon, Maples aren't the right tree to live inside unless its being displayed for small amount of time. There is no research I've came across where the outcome was successful. I have a friend that keep hers inside year round. The poor tree struggles every year (its been 3 years now). It leafs out normally around June or July. It maybe put out an 1 in to 2 inches of growth a year. No fall color. Ficus makes great bonsai and can live inside year around. Its pretty much a no for deciduous trees. But good luck!
Hi LoverOfMaples, Thanks for your advice. Would you be able to explain to me why keeping a maple (or any deciduous tree for that matter) indoors for the months spanning late spring to early autumn (from when the tree starts to bud to when they should be starting to drop so that it has a winter dormancy period) is bad for the tree? Assuming the temperature and humidity indoors is roughly the same as outside during these months, what other factors cause the tree to suffer?
Theres lots of information if you google "growing maples inside". There are even previous threads on this forum and bonsai forums on this topics. If you can give proper light, simulate the proper weather conditions and allow the tree to go dormant as needed. Try it out.