We are thinking of planting a cedar hedge for privacy using 7 ft cedars, and hoping they will grow quickly enough to yield privacy from a neighbour's second floor deck. But we also need something tall in a pot to place on a concrete ground level patio, also to create privacy for the deck. Does anyone have suggestions of what can be planted in a container (and what size container) to quickly get to the height required and have a spread of about 3 feet (could be multiple plants)? Thank you for any suggestions.
Welcome to the UBC Forums! Assuming the neighbour's second floor window is at least 12 feet from your ground level patio, you are hoping to find something (evergreen I presume) that grows that tall but only 3 feet wide? 'Tall' order. The only conifer I can think of would be Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' aka 'Emerald Green' planted in something at least the size of an oak half-barrel. Perhaps 3 trees so planted. These Thujas can grow that tall in time when planted in the ground but I can't say they would reach 12 feet (or more) in a container. Why don't you drive around commercial installations in the Lower Mainland and see if you can find something you'd like? Take photos and show them to the buyer at one or more local garden centres. You also might consider consulting a professional landscaper.
Thank you for the quick response. Spread does not need to be limited to 3 ft and if it weren't for the concrete component along the fence, we could just continue the Emerald Green cedar hedging. We are even considering bamboo in a pot but have not had great experience with bamboo previously in a different location, with it leaning over in wind and snow! I think we want the impossible - something 15 ft tall instantly, with zero maintenance!
Are you speaking wi your neighbors? I am sure they don’t want to intrude and look at your family patio and vice versa obviously So the INSTANT cure could be dealt with from their side while your side grows I think budget is a major consideration - you can get anything you want within bylaws So if they put a manufactured screen on their deck - there are some at ikea meant for decks and this brand is out there too Home - Naturae Decor And you put a gazebo on your patio so you have instant privacy (just look at Cdn tire site for ideas tho of course garden gazebos are everywhere big box stores) What does Pinterest suggest ? (The endless vortex of ideas!) ——— Another consideration - do you want shade? Do you want sun in winter / light in winter if patio is near big windows So if you want winter light - consider deciduous —- I am the dull person who always votes for native vine maples (Acer circinatum) —- i grow them in the ground and also in really big sturdy containers - you’d easily be looking at 100$ per unit for the size you wish instantly yesterday :) If you go with pots - get wheels! ÉDIT - here is one link from a quick Pinterest search Ingenious Ways to Regain Privacy From Second Story Neighbors It seems the key search term is « second story neighbors »
Thanks for the suggestions. We have no issues with the neighbours at all and get along well, but prefer more of a backyard oasis than a public park. We are new to the house, but they have had the current open situation for many years and are quite comfortable with it, and they would have put up their own screen already if they preferred. We have already done a partial screen but may need to look into adding to it if we cannot find a suitable plant option. We will also look into the maple option, thank you.
It’s difficult esp if in a sloped neighborhood to have certain privacy and views preserved for everyone’s enjoyment In that article I posted link above - author makes very valid points Three total 1. Raise privacy along your lot boundary (hmm bylaws And budget and other practical questions ) 2. Choose your privacy areas and shelter them (it is explained in the usual advertising-blog I linked above) This is a great idea and you can control it as long as you are the owner Here we just have certain spots we use and it’s selective between us and our neighbors so we all maintain a huge view 3. Ask neighbors if they can join you in Item 2. Chances are they want privacy (its amazing what the neighbor generally speaking doesn’t realize travels in terms of sound voices and sight - I have to keep myself in check too!) and there is a good photo example of a lovely and simple solution in that blog linked above I can relate - we are in a sloped neighborhood with ocean views and lots of old close cottages and happy TGIF people (social times in normal times) So privacy is a practical matter and makes for a nice place to call home
I’ve also seen this those of screen in several places recently I am not part of this company - I know only because I was looking in to gravel driveway grid and saw these screens too I like the designs - I hope it was / is an authentic artist Privacy Screens - Decorative Landscaping solutions