Mosses: City moss, on big leaf maple

Discussion in 'Plants with Spores (Ferns, Mosses, et al.)' started by wcutler, Dec 27, 2020.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I don't seem to have posted this yet - maybe I was waiting to figure out where to put it. They are from the beginning of December.
    I got all excited about this green trunk, on an Acer macrophyllum street tree a few blocks from me. I think there might be two mosses here, one being similar to a feather moss and the other a leafy moss. I have hardly ever given mosses the time of day, but there it was at eye level with the sun shining on it. I had no excuse to not give it some attention.
    Moss-on-Acer-macrophylla_HaroNicola_Cutler_20201205_100851.jpg Moss-on-Acer-macrophylla_HaroNicola_Cutler_20201205_100911.jpg Moss-on-Acer-macrophylla_HaroNicola_Cutler_20201205_101113.jpg
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    Acerholic, Nik and Margot like this.
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
  3. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @wcutler, Photo no4 does have all the appearance of Baby Tooth Moss. And with the evidence that it is native to the area, it looks a very good bet Wendy.
    Regarding you saying not giving moss much thought, I do hope that Daniel @Daniel Mosquin might consider a forum for Moss and ferns as suggested by N @Nik . Just think of the amount of threads and postings from new members as well as old. To have them all in one forum would make ID and reference so much easier
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    What did I say - two mosses? I've looked a few more times, think there might be six or seven or eight. I might even have ignored some. I've just given then numbers for now and have marked the numbers on the photos.
    Moss 1: the most prominent one that I think looks like a feather moss.
    Moss 2: the long flat leafed one, ID'd above as Baby Tooth Moss, Plagiomnium cuspidatum
    Moss 3: round flat leaves
    Moss 4: long flat leaves sort of orange in colour, more upright than Moss 2
    Mosses1-2-3-4_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_140358-annotated.jpg Mosses2-3-4_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_140457-annotated.jpg

    Moss 5: in photos, looks like a wet Moss 1, but there, it looked nothing like it - was larger, darker, fuller leaf surface
    Mosses1-5_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_141348annotated.jpg Mosses1-5_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_141428-annotated.jpg Mosses5_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_140429-annotated.jpg Mosses5_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_140440-annotated.jpg

    Moss 6: tiny flat leaves growing over the root of the maple; first photo is not cropped and has no numbers
    Moss 7: I don't know; I was losing interest. Is this different from Moss 1?
    Mosses_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_140731.jpg Mosses1-6-7_1424Haro_Cutler_20201228_140731-annotated.jpg

    Moss 8: There are these round things that look like they might just be Moss 1 that have been cut off.
    Nik and Acerholic like this.

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