ive been looking into pruning to prepare myself as much as possible and ended up more confused than before. i understand the whole idea of pruning but what i dont understand is what do you do with the male. every video i seen showed people pruning female vines that will bear fruit but none showed anything being done to the male and i was told the male has to be within a certain distance of the female or she will not bear fruit. i have a male and female started on my trellis will i prune him and the female?? will he bear fruit as well or is he just there to pollinate the female?? these are muscadine vines by the way.
this will help http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS100 This article will answer your questions. http://www.texasgardener.com/pastissues/marapr05/Grapes.html http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/plants/pdf/hgic1403.pdf good luck