Corn plant Slowly dying (dracaena massangeana)

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by breew39, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. breew39

    breew39 New Member

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    Canada, Ontario
    Hello all,
    I am a fairly new plant mom, I have had my corn plant for several month now. But Recently he is losing all of his leaves probably around 15-20 leaves. The top stalk leaves that are left are droopy and turning yellow, but there is 3 baby leaves in the center. I have 2 big windows, though they are only open for 3-4 hours in daylight, before I have to close them cause of the glare on my computer screen and I cannot see. I always have my humidifier on, and the bottom stalk is doing great!

    If someone can help me with what I am doing wrong, is he not getting enough sun now due to winter coming? its been a lot more cloudy and cold I do live in Canada, Ontario. Maybe my room is too cold now? Did I overwater him? Please help me save my Stevey (his name) I really do not want him to die :(.

    Thanks for the help, Bree.

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  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Welcome to the Forum!

    Suspect Stevey is too wet and cold. In other words, your instincts are correct.
    Lay off the water a bit, and move him to a warmer spot.

    Good luck!
    Tom Hulse likes this.
  3. Tom Hulse

    Tom Hulse Active Member 10 Years

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    Marysville, WA USA
    Hi Bree. :) I don't see a saucer under your pot, does that mean it doesn't have a drainage hole? It would be nearly impossible to succeed with that plant if it doesn't have drainage. Light doesn't sound too good, either. Could you use a window blind with slats to get more light but still protect from glare or move him like Togata suggested?
  4. breew39

    breew39 New Member

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    Canada, Ontario
    Firstly, thank you guys for replying to try to help me! I moved him to the other window and I will keep it open for him, and keep off the water for a bit. He actually has a bunch of new leaves in the center that I did not notice yesterday, so that makes me feel better. Also, Hi Tom! Yes the pot is like a 2 in 1 pot, there is a drainage hole at the bottom and I make sure that no water sits in there.

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