Wendy Cutler has added a new Resource file: Cornus Resources Please reply here with additions, corrections and suggestions. If you pick up suggestions from postings, please include the thread or posting link.
Flowering Dogwood Visual Resource to identify common problems A great resource and visual aid (photos) to identify common problems with flowering Dogwoods. Flowering Dogwood Problems From: missouribotanicalgarden.org Topics: Failure to Flower, Leaf Scorch, Drought and Water Stress, Sunscald, Spot anthracnose and other leaf spots, Dogwood anthracnose canker Powdery mildew Botrytis blight or gray mold Crown canker Armillaria root rot Dogwood borer Flat-headed appletree borer Scale insects Link to PDF: http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/Portals/0/Gardening/Gardening Help/Visual Guides/Flowering Dogwood Problems.pdf
I have set up the Cornus resource file (see 2nd posting) and added this Resource. Thanks for submitting it, @JT1.
It would be nice if any research papers on the phylogeny of the genus / family could be added, please.