Corral Bark Maple has sever lack of water issues

Discussion in 'Maples' started by pbGrady, Oct 17, 2022.

  1. pbGrady

    pbGrady Member

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    Hello. I know in the fall that the coral maple leaves turn yellow then fall off. But I was on vacation for 2 weeks and it hasn't rained in a long time by me. My maple is planted in the ground so I thought it would be safe but a lot of my yard grass and the coral maple were yellow when I returned.
    My questions: Do I just leave all of the dried leaves on now as soon the tree wouldve started to turn yellow and fall of?
    Perhaps given the lack of water stress my maple went dormant a little early and should be alright and just leave all of the leaves on?
    The bark still appears healthy, green under.
    I assume all I can do now is wait until spring and keep up with watering and hope for the best but I dont know if I am supposed to remove all of the dead leaves. There arent any green leaves left so it was a severe lack of water for prob 2 weeks, maybe a little less. Its not the healthy yelllow leaves that the coral bark maple turns into this time of year. Im in New Orleans so this occurs a little later for me I know.
    I assume leave all of the dried leaves on and hope for the best?
    Thanks, I added a pic

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  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good evening and welcome to the maples forum. Re your coral bark maple, Have a look to see if there are any buds forming under the dried up leaves. If there are, then all should be fine for next Spring.
    So very many maples have struggled around the globe in 2022 due to the heat and drought, and if you did not water in those times of stress then it will show you how unhappy it was by a poor Autumn display.
    So as far as leaving them, then yes they will drop naturally. The one thing trees do to protect themselves is to drop leaves. This is self preservation and to retain as much water as it can.
    As far as doing anything now. Don't drown it in water. If the leaves are curling and dead then the tree does not need too much water. Just a little to ensure moist roots. Maples like moist roots but not waterlogged.
    If you want to post a close up photo of the buds then we can see if all is OK.
  3. pbGrady

    pbGrady Member

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    Thanks for responding. I do not see any buds inbetween the leaves. So Im not sure. I did water throughout the summer but the last month or so it hasnt rained. Now I did water before I left on my trip but I was gone for 2 weeks. I know the roots are fairly shallow.

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  4. pbGrady

    pbGrady Member

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    It looked healthy before I left for my trip. I was keeping up with watering until my trip which I was gone for 2 weeks
  5. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    I would cut out the die back I can see on the ends of the branches. I agree there does seem to be no buds forming which isn't a good sign. But sometimes they sulk after being in stress. There are occasions after being in stress that the leaves curl but do not fall from the tree. This may well happen to your Coral bark tree. So of they don't in the next week or so I would remove them to allow light to get to the areas where buds will form. IMO it is going to be a waiting game until next Spring. Don't be tempted to feed etc etc. Leave it to rest through the Winter.
  6. pbGrady

    pbGrady Member

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    Ok. Thanks. So I'll wait a week or so, if the leaves dont start to fall its best to just remove them all and hope for the best in the spring? Just dont wait for all of the leaves to fall because I assume the dead leaves could be blocking spots where light could be hitting for new buds?
    It does drop into the 40's and 50's later in the week so perhaps the cold spell will drop the leaves. Thanks for the help. Its amazing how I get attached to a tree
    Acerholic likes this.
  7. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    All the right moves ATM and yes we all get very attached to an out trees.
  8. pbGrady

    pbGrady Member

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    Hello, I am noticing some green leaves growing but only on one branch, that looks healthier compared to the branch on the left in the image. Healthy as still a red color but Im pretty sure some of the branches were the light grey/brown color too when it had full foliage. So this is a good sign. Im not sure if I should remove the other branches/stalks? Probably not, Im not 100% certain they are dead but not sure why leaves would only be growing on one branch then? I should prob just leave it how it is and check next spring as you mentioned before? I just got excited when I saw the new green on it

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  9. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Looks like you are getting some die back, this is quite common on coral bark and especially Bihoo. New fresh green leaves is a good sign, but not in Autumn. Sadly with global warming, trees are leafing out when they shouldn't, causing stress to them.
    I think those greying branches will go more white over the coming weeks. If they do, then they will need to be pruned out. But again watch and wait a little longer before doing so. Older coral bark wood is not pink or yellow btw.
  10. pbGrady

    pbGrady Member

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    I see. I’ll just keep monitoring it. You are right, it hasnt really gotten cold where I live when it should have by now; my friends maples still have all of their leaves. I did have the drought issue but it is weird timing for a maple to start growing healthy greenery when typically all of its leaves would drop soon or already have . But I’ll keep monitoring it and hope in the spring it’s alright. Thanks for responding. C
    Acerholic likes this.
  11. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    I would wait for the spring before doing anything.

    You'll see which branches have buds that are swelling. I would cut the ones with no live buds, and spray it with a fungicide (copper).

    And maybe add some mulch at the base of the tree : judging by the first photo, it can get very dry and hot in Ca (BTW, Ca-nada, or Ca-lifornia ?). Mulching could provode a cooler, wetter surface soil.

    I wouldn't worry too much about the brown leaves staying on the branches, even for weeks.

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