Here is an allée of more of what I think are Acer rubrum 'Bowhall' next to the one of the bridges to downtown Vancouver. This intersection on the south side of False Creek has Acer rubrum 'Sunset' street trees (according to the city's tree list) on three of the four corners.
Our Beni Kawa (dwarf version of the sangu kaku) is starting to color up now. Although it is well over 40 years old it gets NO sun at all due to the mature bloodgood on the west and large canuck maples on the east side. Still it wants to let us know it can still put a smile on our face. Also our Fireglow is starting to glow. The Autumn moon is looking for the gold medal this year in our garden, just a perfect show with all leaves intact
J. aconitifolium Filigree - lovely deep gold this year Yasmi Shigure Bato Various osakazuki Wakehurst pink Bi-hoo Orange dream Inaba shidare As above with others Emerald lace J Aconitifolium Trompenburg Emma Amoenum 14.
Thanks Alain - we’ve had very strong winds over the past few days..Has blown all the leaves off my larger Moonrise before colour change..rude!
Same here, but many of my potted maples fell on the ground so when I put them up again, they had kept most of their leaves. Others were protected by bigger trees like my prunus, it sort of filtered the wind. Acer griseum that was blown over : Acer from seed. I'm not sure which one it was in the spring :
I love your 'Shigure bato', may I ask where you sourced it from? I ordered two grafts of 'Shigure bato' about 20 years ago and the plants turned out be (as far as I can tell) 'Azuma murasaki', which are nice and all but not what I wanted. I have always wanted this cultivar but it seems relatively hard to find in the UK...
Pat at Hippottering..I picked it up at Hampton Court about 3 years or so’s a very slow grower but strong, no dieback at all..nice solid green all year then it turns.I’ll post another hoot in a week or so
Wonderful ! Great music too ! And very good introduction about how the same tree can vary depending on the local conditions.
@maf Well here is first test of new basic phone with a not so smart operator :) after our huge wind (typical here coastal greater Vanc BC this time of year … batteries refreshed ! this is a leaf from that electric red neighbor maple I put a typical sharpie felt pen next to the leaves the brown orange is from one of our planted native vine maples vine maples (acer circinatum) grow adjacent to a precious grove of native rhododendrons in what we call Manning Park (like a state park on USA turf) The rhodos grow on the west slope of the Cascades (which become Coastal Range north of Fraser River) interestingly there is a hidden grove of native Rhodo on the flanks of Mt Elphinstone on Sunshine Coast - it is generally politely respected as off limits for reasons including the plants and the traditional territory for our First Nation neighbours. I have attached a photo of the electric red maple leaf it is small like the diameter of lid of a take out coffee
The picture turned out alright so operator deserves a performance related bonus! Definitely a Japanese maple. Most likely a cultivar of Acer amoenum var. matsumurae (formerly known as A. palmatum var. matsumurae) due to the very deeply divided lobes. It is a little smaller than I would expect from a typical leaf of this subspecies but they are quite variable, not to mention the possibility of hybrids. Very nice to have as a free background to your garden at this time of year.
Very nice. I like the electric red maple. Not too much fall color here though. A few yellows but too early for me still. Thanks for posting!
The show must gon on ! ;-D 'O-sakazuki', and in the bg, 'Katsura' on the left, and on the right 'Orange Dream' still mainly green : 'Trompenburg', and 'Tama hime' : 'Jerre Schwartz' : Seedlings, most of them from this year. In the green crate, from 'Ryusen' sown in 2021 : Two 3-yr-old ones, one that looks a bit like 'Sango kaku', the other one like 'Bihou' :
so many beautiful images and descriptions from around the world on this thread! Very entertaining morning java viewing!
Afternoon tea here... ;-) 'Starfish' : 'Como' : 'Seiryu' : 'Shishigashira' : 'Phoenix' : 'Deshojo' : 'Rainbow' : 'Butterfly' : In the "backyard jungle", an Acer buergerianum that I will have to prune before the neighbours complain : the fence is 2 metres high... ... soon time for "une tartine de houblon" now. <LOL>
Koto ito komachi with Kasagiyama behind Unknown semi dwarf cultivar: Seedling in front, lost the label but might have been Acer duplicatoserratum, First Ghost behind. First year with me example of Tsuma gaki, hopefully
Mine is still in the shade, and still green. I'll move it in the coming days (if my back allows me) and put it in a sunny place.
Still in the midst of yet another atmospheric river episode after a couple last week. Was dry this morning and though 'Mikawa Yatsubusa' has lost so many layers of leaves the few remaining will no doubt flee before any final coloration.
I have a bit to post, but haven't gotten busy! Argh. Fleeting colors this year, some already gone, some not happening yet. Here are some different view of 'Orangeola': with 'Fior d'Arancio' and A. triflorum; with triflorum and others; with 'Nicholsonii' in background and 'Inabe shidare' in foreground; with 'Kindan', 'Utsu-semi' and 'Akikaze nishiki' in background.
Lots of Fabulous’s a shame you think you may have to prune the Acer buergerianum.. it hides the view of the roof of your neighbors house perfectly.