Ok, I built my garden and planted all my little Irish moss plants and red flowers to compliment the crimson queen. But the boerboel dog keeps on going into my little garden and digs out the plants and bites branches of the maple!! How can I keep the dog out og the garden without setting up a trap-shotgun! And without fencing the whole garden off. My bull-Terrier doesn't venture into the garden, but the Boerboel waits until the early hours when everyone is asleep and then like a criminal he goes in and acts like a spitefull little demon digging and breaking everything. Please give me some advice, I can't take it any longer! Thanx alot, Johan F Kruger
you could try an invisible fence type product, dog wears a collar and when he crosses a set perimeter he gets a little shock or, try using a small electric fence, they are for sale at pond suppliers and are packaged for raccoon and heron deterence.