I had hard pruned my red osier dogwood in the winter as it had become quite overgrown and needed rejuvenating. The plant responded by growing very tall this spring, however the stems are weak and are breaking off. How can I restore the hardiness of the plant? Do I leave it until fall and trim it all back again? It looks terrible! Thanks!
Thanks, hope this pic gives you an idea what I'm talking about. We did have a hail storm a few days ago, but sadly it didn't look much worse than before the storm! Any insight would be great! Thanks.
Wow, that does look terrible. Well, those weak stems will stay weak, so there is no point in keeping those long-term. Let them get through the season, though, so that the plant can produce some energy for next year. That doesn't address the cause, though, which I am hoping someone more familiar with what's going on can chime in.