Hello everyone! I need a help! I have two Dracena draco and their leaves are starting to change. Last year it also appears,but less. I spray with fungicide and insecticide,and also the winters was not too cold,so they survive. Can anyone tells me what is the problem ?
Mine did similar leaf change when I moved it closer to the window I thought it might be change of sunlight or cold draft from window. Has the sunlight direction changed with the seasons? Is it getting more sunlight now that the sun is coming at a different angle to the window? I ask this because you said it happened last year too. Is it in a east facing window?
Thank you for your answer. The problem is that my Dracena is outside,it is about 3-4m tall and is in the garden (park) where I work. This winter she doesnt have any protection of frost and cold,and was high wind so I thought it could be the reason why she looks like this.
wow I just looked at your weather you guys have N.a.T.O. over there right now for the extreme weather? looks like you wove a fine protection web around all of your fine plants : ) you have a gorgeous collection I hope the best for you. Is the weather as bad as the news makes it out to be?
This winter was not too cold,but some days the wind is hard. On prognosis they announce nice weather,so maybe she will get better when warm days come. I am just worried is some disease or it is just because of the weather? Thank you,the park is really lovely :) But is difficult to maintain these plants :)