Hi, I've had this cactus since it was about 1/2" in size and have misplaced and forgotten the name. I think I remember it being an Echinopsis but any help with full I.D. would be great. :}
Here is a close up of the cactus. The flower is about 6 inches across. Do I need to cross-pollinate these flowers to get them to set seed? If so, will the plant cross with one of it's own offsets or any variety within it's species?
The cactus looks like a Echinopsis subdenudata according to the shape and the flower. You have a nice looking plant. - Millet
Thanks, I've got a couple of unknown cactii which I'll post photos of as they flower. I was working at a nursery that decided to buy over 1000 mixed cactii and succulents and have a few cactii I still haven't been able able to get definite i.d. on. Somehow it became my responsibilty to i.d. crash course learn prop and care of these guys. Having mainly grown sub-tropicals before then it was a definite change. I did get some nice Pachypodium and Adenium out of the deal which was good.:}