I have the erineum mite problem on my Himrod grape vine and all I can find about it is controlling them. Does anyone know what causes it? I was also wondering if I can only ever control the problem and not eradicate it. I've had my grape vine for over 10 years and the problem just popped up a couple of years ago. Do all grapes get this eventually and should I just cut my loses and dig out the vine? I really don't want to have to treat it every year with sulphur as I have pets and worry about using chemicals in my garden. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Because it is not considered a "serious" problem (= little economic effect) there is very little information on the control of these little beasties. They are hard to reach in their galls with any topical (spray on) miticides and there is no listed systemic for them. The up side is they spread very slowly if at all, but that won't help your infected Himrod. You could try something like tanglefoot or any other sticky band treatment applied where you would normally prune before the end of July then prune the band and cane beyond at the usual time. This would hopefully interrupt their return to the lower buds for overwintering. Burn the prunings. Ralph
Thank you for the reply Ralph. I just have a couple of new questions. You say these mites overwinter to the lower buds. Could you please clarify for me what you mean by the lower buds? Are these the buds where the new year's growth come from. If so, can I just prune off the the lateral shoots off the main stem to rid me of all the mites and hope that new shoots will form off the main trunk that will be disease free? I am familiar with tanglefoot as I use it on my plum trees in the fall.
Unfortunately the literature just refers to "lower" buds, not lowest, and some also mention bark crevices. If you prune off all the buds and are able to force a latent bud, it might work. Of course, it might not force a bud and just die, but what is sure in life? There is a product that might have some potential: http://www.greenfire.net/hot/P194.html Greenfire Product: MYCOTROL "O" This is new to me and I have not tried it or contacted the manufacturer, but it sounds interesting. It should also be OK for organic growers. Ralph
I guess I will take a wait and see approach this year. Thank you again for all your help. Greatly appreciated! :)