Euphorbia Issue

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by JEB, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. JEB

    JEB New Member

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    New Brunswick, Canada
    I have a 10+ year old euphorbia trigona that to my knowledge has never been repotted. I have moved house with it a few times which would account for some of the scarring/injury, but last move was over two years ago. It has been kept in a corner with less than ideal light and airflow, and even though I’ve been using a water meter there’s a good chance I’ve been overwatering. I also have had a humidifier nearby misting some tropical plants.
    It now has an issues involving brown/tan scarring and what looks like something eating away the plant in some spots. There are also MANY white (sap?) spots, even on new growth that would not have received punctures from adjacent spines. Some areas have visible brown pinprick spots. I have found two mature bugs on it (see photo) which don’t move when touched with my fingernail. I have sprayed down with a mix of dr bronners soap and water twice, and moved it to a location with more airflow and light. I also tried using rubbing alcohol and a qtip to remove the white spots, but they came back/bled more sap.

    Excuse the shower curtain - it helps me move the plant safely.

    Please help me figure out what I should be doing to save my plant!! I’ve made some big mistakes but I’m unsure whether one dealing with a pest infestation or a fungal disease?
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2021

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