Favorite bug ID book?

Discussion in 'Celebrate Biodiversity' started by wf1992, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. wf1992

    wf1992 Member

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    Delta, BC
    I've finally found some time to get into the garden, and all of a sudden I'm noticing a lot more varieties of bugs. Maybe that's thanks to my 2-year-old's eagle eyes bringing EVERYTHING that moves to my attention!

    Anyway, I'd like to get myself a some sort of bug identification field guide, with all my local Vancouver / lower mainland bugs. Internet is great, but sometimes it's good to have a good, old fashioned book to carry around and flip thru :)

    I'd love to know if anyone has a favorite to recommend? Thanks!
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Hrmmm, good question. I'm not sure what the best resource is on paper, but I'll ask a co-worker and maybe she'll be able to address it.

    I know the best online resource, by far (in my estimation) is www.bugguide.net.
  3. Ingrid Hoff

    Ingrid Hoff Active Member

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    North Vancouver
    One of my favorites is Bugs of British Columbia written by John Acorn and illustrated by Ian Sheldon (published by Lone Pine). It's a compact paperback (field guide) so it's easy to carry around with you and the 125 different write ups and illustrations should keep you and your "eagle-eye" 2 year old entertained and informed.
    Happy bug hunting.

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