Year 2 of JM growing...Some of my larger JM's - the long stems that come off the main leader that are long whippers-floppers When I look at them I have considered pruning them but then I don't want to -top- these long stems.... Now that it 's gotten colder and quite a bit of leaves have fallen, these floppers as observed with *removed leaf weight* are fairly VERT. So I suppose as it grows over time, it becomes more thicker, more rigid, etc... I had it planned to just prune to shape and cut the floppers mid length so it would be more VERT through the growing season. Is there a rule of thumb on pruning these floppers or its like all things gardening (subjective to the eye)
It is mainly what is subjective to the eye. There is also the concern that some of these long "whipper-floppers" may be soft in growth and not fully hardened off against frost damage during the winter. Assuming they make it through the winter they can be staked up in the spring to add height and shape the plant, if that is your aim.